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A fabulous pseudo-Brit.

"Was that cool girl's accent real?"
"nah man, that was a Lindsey"

by TheThirdMusketeer April 1, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl that dates many guys just to "experience" and has small boobs buts she thinks they're big. She usually puts people smarter than her down and hates people being better than her. She interrupts a lot when you tell her stuff and cries for ANYTHING.

I hate Lindsey she never lets me talk because she's so full of herself and gets everything she wants.

by Anonymous 1213 March 4, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bitch; more specifically, Colter's Bitch

Marcus Lindsey needs to put the mother fucking water in the mother fucking fridge.

by TheColter February 4, 2010

55๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž


Flatter than a pancake sister

OMG Lindsey is flattttt

by Sistershooooiooooosiak February 4, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lindsey is problay the most hated bitch at yo school no fuckin body likes her except the nobodys , problay has ugly ass red hair and glasses and looks like a stick , has beef with everyone and dated your ex and they only lasted a day and says she will beat yo ass but then you try to and she runs to the guidance counselor.

Lindsey : come fight boo

Chloe : ( trys to fight her )
Lindsey : (hides and runs to the guidance consular)


Sarah : she dated my ex then they broke up after a hour

Chloe : she must be a Lindsey

by Shalissa_winston185 January 13, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


N. A bitch ass hoe who leaves you all alon for your friends and calls you shit because her pale, tortilla looking ass couldn't get her own motherfucking friends.

V. I'm Lindseying you because my tortilla looking, mayonnaise loving, bitch ass is a dumb motherfucking hoe!!!!

Marcus: Who's that mayonnaise looking hoe??
Sarah: oh that's that bitch ass Lindsey. Hoe I'm sorry Lindsey omfg well shit

by 200cabbagesupmyarse April 11, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the only two Ikwywawndrereunitedbffladewlifesneakmastersw'sforl'swaterbottletrickstersmuffledlifelintlickingcrapmastersdoingitfortherummersratchetaboutthatdrylifelaughinginclassandgettingjudgedbasicallypeanutbutterandmayoawkrocksgumsharingfunniestonearthcapslockwritingalsounicornsofficiallydeadmakingfunofstupidkidsonfbdoubledeadhandlebikeswithnohandlebarstookoolforskoolsupergraveneighborsstupidcallingnolifebuddiesforlife, found among rocks, 95% probability of eating when found, if not she will be sleeping. Lurks around Walmart, with all her friends OPE she has none. Likes to waste things.

Person 1: Hey is that girl talking to her lint?!

Person 2: Wow she must be Lindsey! One of the legendary lint masters!

Person 1: She's cool! Lets go talk to her!

by Lindzar May 20, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž