When your English proficiency is so bad that a new language is created.
Nova: You have no inches
Boni: And you wonder why are your b*tches leave you.
Local Man: Hey Shem, checkout Boni linguistics
Linguistics are the conceptual definitions between the three major platforms: function, concept and math: matter.
Matter and function, is math. in current cultural dogma, we strive forward by definiting: 2+2=4, but, the problem is, this, simply, cannot ever be so: there, to the furthest extreme, no similar two units in nature.
This means, that where math resides on the bond between function and matter, that the whole structure of our way of thinking is both inept, but, primarily, insane.
Because of this, the way to, actually, define things, in sepration, iinept, again, then we must look to how to really do it: the answer is (Compiler-Sårn: 1/Ix1/en=~3 OR 2+2=~4, don't ask: accept.) to define through roman numbers, yet again, or, through "New Math:"
in all of them, linguistics.
or, through "New Math:"
to which much can be written, annulling The Zero, and bringing true justice, also to Pi: pirxdegrees-0+~n(pi)=PI/pirxdegrees-0+n(pi)=pi
the second form of importance, is the relation between function and concepts, leading to language, and the new definition: relation links: between you, the observer, most things are relations: You are, on your legs, and the relation between You(The sum of the whole of You, on Your legs)IS relations, and thus links, to You. Spread out between two parties, the become a sorta hourglass between themselves, forming the definitions in time and space (Light, water, pain) between concpets, function and matter as relations between entities.
Thus is linguistics the goldcave all things, and, incidentelly, concluded with and by: Timing/Optimization: the ability to live, learn and observe: you are, you do you react.
timing: datanalysis based on heirachy in outcome of a situation based on upbuildingness(Evil: a conclusion of a situation observed from a subjegate position) between uptimisation: do better, evolve, win, through uptimization, victory, leading to gratitude, water (on happy walls), the essence of: Love: the meaning of all things.
- Optimize.
PS. It's comma your word comma.
The eternal enemy of the grammar nazi. Somebody for whom grammatical errors are a non-issue. An individual who commits so-called "word crimes".
My redneck of an uncle is such a linguistic criminal.
A cover up for the real definition of BL.
Dad: oh, what's a BL?
Daughter: Oh, Dad, you wouldn't get it. It's just bathematics & linguistics.
When someone adopts the language features of a dominant group, potentially losing aspects of their original urban dialect.
Linguistic assimilation:When someone adopts the language features of a dominant group, potentially losing aspects of their original urban dialect.
The smartest people in the Marine Corps, but still capable of being fuck stupid. Spend half of their enlistment learning a language that they may or may not use. Spend most of their time ordering food in target language at ethnic restaurants. Misses DLI, Compagnio's, and Duffy's. Usually drunk.
Grunt: You're a cryptologic linguist? Do you speak Islamic?
One who excels at making up new words for the Urban Dictionary
In my spare time I am an urban linguist!