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Mt. Lebanon

A community in Pittsburgh, PA featuring a mass of preppy kids going to school separated from the real world. The average Mt. Lebanon student can be found sporting a North Face backpack, North Face fleece (black for the popular kids), and a ralph lauren polo. Also referred to as "The Bubble" or "Lebo."

Mt. Lebanon is a great place to raise kids, but keeps them isolated from anything in the real world

by big dr. zebbers April 6, 2006

317πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


MTS ; coding fgts that use 501/501/0.5 lar

by Anonymous May 12, 2003

2πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Mt. Lebanon

Mt. Lebanon is probably one of the most stereotyped suburbs in the South Hills area located in Pittsburgh, PA. Yes, you will meet some snotty brats who had their lives given to them when they were born at the bank- but you'll also most likely meet your best friends that'll make you wonder how you lived without them. It's a legend that if you do not own a Vera Bradley bag (girls), a black North Face fleece Denali jacket, something from Abercrombie or Hollister, or Ugg boots that you tuck your skinny jeans into- you will not survive. Clearly, these people who started this legend have been to Mt. Lebanon, but not actually lived there. There are people out there who continue to shop at Hot Topic despite the peer pressure to own the items listed above... So honestly, you can be whoever you want in 'Lebo'... you just have to ignore the jealous hicks who call us spoiled.

Mineo's Pizza on Washington Road on a Friday Night...
"Yins all look identical!"
"It's cause we're from Mt. Lebanon!"
"That's not a good excuse though!"

^my point, exactly... don't blame it on the bubble^

by Sea Kittenβ™₯ February 22, 2009

129πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Bigfork, MT

1 Grocery Store, 3 Gas Stations, 10 Bars! Need I saymore? It's 1 big redneck party at the lake with the crazyest bitches!

Wanna go get smoke boles and hit up the bars in Bigfork, MT?

by MontanaGurl September 2, 2009

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


the most ghetto cru in da endz blad. . . da mvps of dis clik r - koare, prime, femz, secta. . . cratez is a fat ginger hobo. . . safe bitch

mts clik will merc any pum pums

mts - most thuggish souljaz. . .

by the g May 6, 2005

3πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Mt. Fujied

When going to the bathroom and crapping so much that it creates a wide and proud mound of poo that extends well above the water line, likened to the iconic image of Mt. Fuji dimly back-lit by the horizon and setting sun.

I Mt. Fujied it.

by Pointy Thumb on Hand April 8, 2018

Mt. Unpleasant

Perhaps one of the worst places in the world. Otherwise known as mt. pleasant. Please notice that i capitalize "Mt. Unpleasant" but not the other.

"Hey man, we gotta go into Mt. Unpleasant today. Regal Palmetto Grande is the only theatre left playing Toy Story 3

by Yiazmat XXV September 13, 2010