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A poor man's alcohol or drug to cure depression. Which is ironic when several peeps kill a good meme that don't allow it to live more than a week, and that in of itself is also depressing. Memes cure and cause depression.

Person 1: Ricardo iz bae
Person 2: u no several hav sad those memes b4 u right? stop beatin' a ded horse!
Person 1: shaddap queer, i dont ned 2 no its demise!
Person 2: bruh, u r just sed
Person 1: no u! ;_;
Person 2: smh

by bumerhoomorr34 September 4, 2019

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The cure of my depression and why the world hasn’t committed dead

Guy1: hey did you see that Ugandan knuckles Meme ??
Guy2: Yes I’ve seen many Memes and that one just happens to be dead so get out

by KikiBrean March 11, 2019

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Memes + thomas= the best

by shit words September 26, 2019

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that like so epic like dank like memes are so cool minecraft

by cladymore74 April 30, 2019

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Something magical.

β€œWhen all was lost, memes cured my depression.”

by I don’t have a good name. April 17, 2019

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A form of religious figure

I like memes

by Hi its me God June 7, 2017

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Sadly, memes require deep thot to the brain to make and make the relate. Sadly, they are good. Sadly, make me laugh much. Sadly also, give me your shit.

They are in forms of pictures and words or words with pictures with words or videos with words or videos with words with words on top or dialogue that make laughable good laugh content. The types of memes that are not funny are the IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT Spongebob meme.

It suck big asshole.

Crush: Holy shit I didn’t even flush the toilet and my poop is gone!

Me thirty minutes before: Can we get some salt with this?

Friend after the sleepover: Why is my butthole so sore?

Me: I dunnoβ€” i mean I dunno give meβ€” I dunno don’t even ask meβ€” stop.

All examples of memes.

by RAZ Productions December 8, 2019

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