Source Code

MiK Ultra

Short for a can/bottle of Michelob Ultra, also making reference to the CIA’s most well known top-secret (but now declassified) project from the past

Hey Amogus, toss/pass me a can/bottle of MiK Ultra!

by Amogus Sussi Baka June 5, 2022

MiK Ultra

Short for a can/bottle of Michelob Ultra (beer), which also makes reference to the CIA’s most well know top-secret (but now declassified) project from the past

Hey Amogus, toss me a can/bottle of MiK Ultra.

by Amogus Sussi Baka June 5, 2022

mik #9985

Worse goddamn mod on discord, a man so pathetic in real life he takes his anger at the world out by wielding his ban hammer and abusing members of the WSBdiscord, often without warning or reason. Not only is this soul sucking electro parasite the worst, but he has no life so he spends all day and night on the discord page, deleting appeals so no one can see

Person 1: “damn I just got perm a banned from wsb
Person 2 “you can try and apeal, but mik #9985 doesn’t have a life so he’ll probably see it and delete it

by WSBDiscord October 27, 2021

Epik miks taeps

A gay youtube channel with no good content

You channel is an epik miks taeps

by Duskmaster765 January 23, 2018