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a nice friend and funny guy but a thicc dick

mikhail loves miku and 2D girl

by astrawestry May 13, 2022


A big brain move used by absolute stigma males in which a table is carefully used to grab thick thighs without any suspicion arising

Oh my goodness you just pulled a mikhail!

by Armin your mom March 13, 2022


An absolute unit, can cripple the strongest of men with a throw of his tennis ball, real menace

Holy shit watch out Mikhail has the ball again!”

by Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand May 11, 2021


Myshi is a great guy who I can always talk to and he won’t tell all of his other friends. He is always there for me. He’s super cute and sweet. He’s always the person who I can turn to for a smile or a laugh if I’m not having a good day. He’s loyal to his friends and is just such a big goofball. Don’t lose him as a friend

“Yo, you see Mikhail over there?”
“Yeah, he’s such a great person.”

by That__girl October 10, 2020


A skinny guy who often gets sick and has an attraction to other men. He hates women (even family members). He is bisexual

Oh Boy, Mikhail is sick! Maybe he is having a boyfriend, who knows!

by Abulaba July 12, 2019


Mikhail will make fun of you for the weirdest things, but he’ll let you make fun of him too. He can’t draw a Russian Coat of Arms, but he can play video games all day long. His Russian accent isn’t that thick, but it is apparent enough that he’ll mention it.

“That’s such a Mikhail right there.”
“Hey Mikhail, draw a Russian Coat of Arms!”

by HarleyCrossleyOC October 11, 2019


daddy i wanna smashhhh

lets smash mikhail

by October 19, 2022