The most beautiful and wonderful person in the world someone you can go and talk to when your sad someone who is always there no matter what you need them for
Mike: do you know of anyone that’s a great person
Will: yea namy is
An underrated roblox YouTuber.
Nami.._luvz is just a youtuber wtf??💀
1. An extremely powerful tsunami. Usually found in the sea near Japan's east coast. Can kill many people and cause a nuclear panic.
2. How Godzilla was formed.
3. A forceful force.
Geez! That slap to the face was so powerful it felt like a Jap-nami!
Not to be confused with Anime Cosplay, a "Nami Cosplay" is the act whereby adults of consenting age agree to exchange nude photographs of themselves for the other's pleasure.
How about a Nami Cosplay?