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One of the coolest people ever. Everybody loves him. Is always super hot, and the most popular person in the office/school/world.

"I love that nate"

"Hes so cool he could almost be a nate"

by fghfg900098817 November 19, 2009

700๐Ÿ‘ 802๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nate is a nice guy and a good student and he is WEIRD! But I like him!

Nate:"knock knock"
Me: "What?"

by latenight7 November 29, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who will love you till the end of time. Until it ends. Then you're just a gypsy whore. Annnd then he wants you back.

I was sooo in love with him! And then he pulled a Nate on me. *sigh*

by AuroraBlue July 30, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The nerdy masturbator machine who doesn't like donald trump. He is a really good friend who has eating disorders, he's also known by: Dr. Nate, DJ-Nate, And Doctor Fagot. "WAZZUP MOTHERFUCKER!!!" is his catch phrase. He lives on his mom's basement and watches porn but denies it. By the way he's sometimes really homo and takes nothing serious.

Don't hate on the Nate.

by SCREAMER! June 6, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Also known as Nathan.

A boy that will sweep you off your feet and steal your heart.

You'll fall fast for the kid but then he dumps you if he doesnt get what he wants(sex) and will mostly Cheat on you with a slut. You'll get a tattoo of his name while dating him and regret it afterward.

After dumping you, he will go and date your bestfriend(the type of friend known as a Brienne.)

Deffinatly a boy you'll cry over for a month straight.

"I can't believe Nate did that to me!"

by L0NEE W0LFF May 5, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nice guy at first, usually a player. But when he finds a girl, he sticks with her, that is until she won't sleep with him so he breaks up with her and is an asshole to her. Then he goes around and tries to get with a bunch of other girls. So Nate's are assholes and never date them.

My ex boyfriend, Nate.

by yes nate, this is your ex haha February 14, 2014

42๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


Homeless looking dude who plays guitar like a maniac . Long mane with a bushy "Duck Dynasty Beard" that would easily put Si out of his wimply bearded misery. May or may not BE homeless, but he certainly acts it. And smells it. In his spare time, he follows small children around and throws kittens at them. Some say that he's the Norse Heavy Metal God who taught Hendrix how to play. To this he said, "I eat old ladies with my Fruit Loops."

Notice: If seen, report immediately to the police. He wasn't kidding. Apparently, kid's grandmothers had been going down to his belly! Who'da Thunk?

I'm horrified of this cracker, Nate, man. But, yowza! Sham-pow-Ya-MAC-Diddly-Do! That honkey can jammmmm!

-Jimi Hendrix, After an excessive amount of LSD

by Sfgvdggzsadhhnvcfbddhfaujngg96 December 16, 2014

33๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž