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No Shit, Sherlock

The Phrase When Someone Is Obvious About Something So Great.

A Circle Is A Circle! No Shit, Sherlock.

by GideonBratland January 18, 2023

no shit, Sherlock

said humorously to express the view that someone is stating something that is completely obvious.

"there are a few worrying findings: the first is that congestion causes stress (no shit, Sherlock) and the second says that traffic jams may cause brain damage"

by Arminkshipper July 23, 2024

no shit, sherlock

A response against a person who says the obvious.
Originates from the film: Robocop 3

Some police: "that's a bettered yellow van!
Lewis: "no shit, sherlock"

by girayhankaya December 19, 2020

No shit, Sherlock.

When someone says someone is a dumbass and you become a smartass.

Sherlock: "It's cold today."

Watson: "No shit, Sherlock."

Sherlock: "F*ck you, Watson."

by cheerlover37 May 18, 2018

No Shit Sherlock

Something that someone says when someone else tells that someone something they already new.

You need to take the cap off the water bottle before you can drink the water. ("Well no shit Sherlock").

by js_unknown15 December 30, 2022


When someone said something that is so obviously, and you say to him.

"Fucking is a method of having a a baby."
"No shit Sherlock!"

by Surecock Homes November 7, 2020

No shit Sherlock

when someone states or makes a statement about something that is obvious

''Look that bird is flying'' ''No shit sherlock because birds dont fly you dipshit

by aesthetic-as-hell January 20, 2021