Verb. The act of partaking in an event where you will be getting sauced with your friends.
"I was out last night awesome-saucing with my friends and I got totally trashed."
An awe-inspiring person, sharing heritage of an AwesomeSauce, but developing intoxicating influences of high traces of Awesomeness and forcing the author to upgrade the title.
AwesomeSauce came back home as Awesome S’awesome Cattywampus Sauce
This most awesome person truly stood by the definition of Awesomesauce. So,as an honour, the title upgraded to ASCS.
AwesomeSauce you’re now “The Awesome S’awesome Cattywampus Sauce”
Used to show extreme love to be a person or thing
Person 1: I love you so much
Person 2: Awesome sauce!
A slang expression meaning: That's so great I just came.
You need an example? I'd say the definition is pretty self-explanatory........Ok..."You won a million dollars? Awesome Sauce!"
What are you supposed to say after above-par intercourse with a high-brow female.
*laying in bed after a night of raucous sex*
Evelynn: ...
Toby: god, babe, that was so awesome-sauce!!1 :DDD
Evelynn: .............
Toby: Sowwy >.<