National hook up with a girl day
Person 1: hey guess what I did today
Person 2: what?
Person 1: I made out with a girl cause it’s October 18th
On October 18th you need to make out with your girlfriend/boyfriend after school
Hey babe,it’s October 18th! Come here
Do anything to her ass, smack it, slap it, punch it, kick it, pinch it, play cars on it, play with tech boards on it, anything.
Because its october 18th aka national slap her ass day.
The official n-word day. Go say hi to your friendly neighbourhood immigrant.
It's october 18th!!!
see that disabled guy over there he was born on October 18th
National hug someone you think is ugly day! On this day you have to hug someone you think is unattractive.
Malea:what's wrong
Reegan: today is october 18th
Malea:oop I feel bad for you you gotta hug wyon
National “The End” day. That’s it, The End.
Karen: Okay kids today is October 18th you know what that means....