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Osama Bin Laden

I jerk terrorist who has been shot by American troops and thrown out to sea because no country would accept his body.

Wow, that coward Osama Bin Laden finally got what was coming to him.

by Montana17 May 3, 2011

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Osama Bin Laden

The world champion of hide-and-seek.

Dude, Osama Bin Laden has been hiding for like 10 years now! He owns this game!

by andrayuhzebra July 26, 2010

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Osama Bin Laden

Owned by the Navy Seals and the faggot behind the 9/11 attacks.

Dude, Osama Bin Laden just got owned.

by osamaisgay6969 May 2, 2011

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Osama Bin Laden

When a man with a long beard sucks another mans dick and lets the jizz run down his beard and make a white stripe down the beard.

Dude yesterday I heard a kid got a Osama Bin Laden.

by Lil daddy baby! April 28, 2011

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Osama Bin Laden


Person 1: "Remember that guy Osama Bin Laden?"
Person 2: "....yes?"
Person1: Yea he dead.

by TheUnitedStatesOfAmerica May 5, 2011

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Osama Bin Laden

He is best

I love osama bin laden

by Nidlerking November 26, 2022

Osama Bin Laden

My Nigga

Osama Bin Laden is a big Nigga

by HornyBigNigga September 7, 2020