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Boss patio

A means of disposing of dead bodies, by burying them under an over specified patio.

You need to Boss patio that bitch!

by Discopants July 14, 2022


Refers to the condition or state of excessive drunkenness acquired whilst day-drinking on a patio. Origin: 2005, Auburn University: Sigma Alpha Epsilon house floating dock & fratio, Bodega, & Momma G's Deli.

"I thought Randy was going to play 18 with us this afternoon?" "Randy?! Oh, there's no way he's making it to the course. He's patioed."

by Touched By An Uncle February 29, 2012

Slapped Patio Head

Slapped patio head is referring to head that is being given on a patio. It is in reference to the gayest Smiths song ever 'Reel Around The Fountain'. If someone wants to slap you on a patio, they are probably wanting to give you the best head ever.

Sam: 15 minutes with you..
Hailey: Oh, it looks like she wants some slapped patio head!
Emma: I don't blame her...

by jeffbuckleygoesmeow June 29, 2023

catio patio

Say this if you want to get punched in the face.

Boy1: the catio patio....
Boy2: (punches boy1 in face) Fuck you

by October 21, 2022