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urban polo

A less expensive version of the sport polo in which horses are replaced with bicycles, the plastic ball is replaced with a street hockey ball, and mallets are replaced with hockey sticks. Also, instead of a grass field, urban polo is played on concrete (a street, a parking lot, etc).

Urban polo is set up just like polo or street hockey, with a goal on opposite sides of the field and teams of two or more.

"Hey man, want to play some polo this weekend?"
"You know I can't afford a horse, let's play urban polo instead."

by shendrickson March 28, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

bike polo

Polo played on bicycles. Played either hard-court (relatively new) or on grass (over 100 years of tradition), there is dispute over weather the sport originated in India or Ireland. Two teams try to bat a tiny soccer ball through opposing goal posts without dabbing their feet on the ground.

All's fair in love, war and bike polo.

by reZzreZz March 2, 2008

283๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Polo G


Guy 1: Hey there is this one rapper named Polo G everyone's been talking about have any idea who he is.


by Veenzelll May 10, 2021

38๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The chosen one.

someone from Chicago: have you heard POLO G's new song?

by Big Brolic Black REQUIS May 8, 2021

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

fruit polo

Only the greatest fruit sweet known to man. Often referred to as the 'nectar of the gods'

Laddo 1: Yo dog, pass me some of those fruit polos.

Laddo 2: Nah fam, they're all mine.

by Eggnogger January 11, 2017

Marco Polo

Game played by stoners in which the first person to say Polo after the person with the blunt (other forms of smoking) says Marco gets said blunt

Marco Polo: American form of tag played in a swimming pool

Person With Bud: Marco!

Everyone Else In The Room: Polo!

Person With Bud: Kyle said it first

Person With Bud: *Passes Blunt to Kyle*

by Trev.Lowlife August 9, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Water Polo

The best sport in the world. Consisting of seven players per team. played like soccer/football in the water using only one hand at a time to handle the ball. Points recorded in scoring of a goal. Played in a 30 meter pool, 4 quarters with a duration of 7 minutes per quarter. Ball is the size of a volleyball and yellow. Also referred to as H20 Polo. First olympic team sport.

NO i don't swim, i play water polo. And yes we have to wear speedos.

by Book'em Dan-0 February 15, 2004

810๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž