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Scarlett’s Honorary Pride Month

Hi Abi! This is Scarlett’s honorary month since she is cool and gay!

Omg did you hear that it’s Scarlett’s honorary pride month?

by coolgaygirl July 2, 2021

Pride month celebration parade

The quickest way that a town lose all their HIV drugs

Toledo, Ohio had a huge Pride month Celebration parade . The HIV pride marchers descended like a horde of locusts on the all Toledo pharmacies for all the of Toledo's HIV drugs. The local Toledo fruitloops got sick due to the lack of HIV drugs.

by queensburykid November 20, 2023

pride month every month

A phrase used to say that queer activism and lgbtq+ rights are important and should be recognized on a daily basis

Slay, queen! Pride month every month

by veryuglycarrot November 22, 2022

pride month

rise and shine it's time for lesbians to take over your entire for you page, all the company's (except skittles, skittles is skittles) to make their logos rainbow and not actually listen to any gays (except some) and the straights to complain about how the military doesn't get a month (the military gets two months and many days) and how they don't have a month (they didn't fight for their rights)

Lesbian: It's pride month! Every lesbian follow me I'll follow you back!
Bi: Am I apart of the Lesbian apocalypse?
Lesbian: No
Straight: Why don't straights get a month!!
Gay: You didn't fight for your rights fnaf floor tiles
Straights: well why don't the military get a month!
Someone in the Military: We do get a month
Big Company: Look! We made our logo rainbow we're so supportive!
Skittles: We got rid of colors so the gay's rainbow can shine brighter than ours!
North Face: We got a drag queen!
Gays: Yeah!
Homophobes: I'm never buying from North Face again!
Trans people: Follow me if you're under the trans umbrella!
Agenders: yeah!
Non-Binarys: Yeah!
Demigenders: yeah!
Genderfluids: Yeah!
Lesbian: I can't follow anyone else it says I'm following too fast :(

Other Lesbian: Same!!
This is chaos.

by Kittyferns June 2, 2023

Pride month

the most uncomfortable month for homophobes

random homophobe: i hate pride month

by gay.men.lover June 5, 2023

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Pride Month

June, the month of the year Tik Tok Drag Queens chose to go to war with anyone who believes anything 2000 year old book written by trolls says.

The month of the year single pub going women compete with each other to see how many friends that identify as a gender other than male or female they can make. Bonus points are awarded to women who can find a young person who's parents have disowned them and say 'I'll be your Mum now ROAR!'

The month of the year companies put up stripy coloured flags and act as if this shows support for anyone.

The month of the year extreme right wing news services constantly publish stories about anyone other than male or female gender and go Karen about them. Other than at that its a nice warm sunny month if you live in the west.

If you want to avoid Pride Month, then avoiding town centres and social media is recommended.

by Goth Doll June 1, 2024

Pride Month

A month celebrating dudes who take it in the ass

"Nothing says Pride Month like rainbows and dildos!"

by somebodythatyoudontknow June 15, 2022