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pvp god

xnix is the pvp god

wow xnix is to good best in tropicals what a pvp god

by not x October 6, 2020

PvP God

Xnix best pvper

wow xnix is so good he’s a pvp god best in tropical

by not x October 6, 2020

PvP meta

A great weapon at player verses player combat. Usually the weapons that kill fastest or most.

"Dude, this guy just killed me with a fusion from like 2 miles away!"
"He's probably using Erintel FR4. its the PvP meta."

-Some Destiny 2 Players

by GreenPewdiepie June 27, 2019


Zack is one of the greatest pkers alive he is quite possibly the sexiest RS player alive

PvP-Zack Owns YoYo4012 and ambasadoroli

by Peekayed April 13, 2006

TG (pvp)

means tab glitch in other pvp games in roblox (ex. slap battles, ability wars) if they used the word "ing", "er" it actually means tab glitching or tab glitcher.

Guy: *tab glitching*
Random Guy: Oh, I see a TG (pvp)

by epokguyepoj January 20, 2024

AmphetZ PVP

AmphetZ PVP is a cluster of DayZ Community servers servicing over 1 million unique xbox accounts and running since 2018 that has fostered the development of greater projects like Legion Killfeed & unique code modifications that have become used by many servers.
AmphetZ PVP was the #1 on Jeabers Killfeed for 4 years!

Person: "Wanna play DayZ?"
Person2: "What's that?"
Person: "The zombies act like a person on amphetamines, that's why I play AmphetZ PVP on XBOX"
Person2: "Ngl, sounds lit!"
Person: "They have had over 1 million xbox accounts play the AmphetZ servers and were first place on Jeabers Killfeed global before he went MIA."

by a DayZ Player April 15, 2024

pvp sword fighting

a game that introduced the streak system to sword fighting

Owners list:
Calasity (Banned)

if you searched this, pvp sword fighting is your homeland

by pvpswordfighting August 25, 2022