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Raina and Sophia

Raina and Sophia are the epitome of platonic soulmates. They are the ultimate best friends. No other best friends in any other alternative universe can compare to this iconic duo. Raina and Sophia are meant to be, and must be the best compliment to two best friends in the history of compliments.

Person A: Hey, you guys are such good friends. You're like Raina and Sophia.
Friend R: That's like the best thing anyone's ever said to me. Did you hear that, S?
Friend S: Yeah, I did. If we're like Raina and Sophia, we must be like sisters. I love you, R.
Friend R: Exactly, we're meant to be. I love you too, S.

by FriendR October 21, 2023

raina alverez

Is the most beautiful girl you could ever meet! She is a amazing friend when you need her she’s there for you! And sometimes she cry’s for no reason and blames it on others

Raina Alverez

by Jenniferreyes April 23, 2019

Shreyas Raina

King of the kings, Proest human being ever lived, intelligent, smart, hotter than the core of the sun almost at the same level of god

Shreyas Raina is the best

by Nanauna November 22, 2021

Shreyas Raina

King of kings, the greatest human being ever lived, smart, intelligent, hotter than the core of the sun , almost at the same level of god

Shreyas Raina is the best

by Nanauna November 22, 2021

Shreyas Raina

King of kings, the greatest human being ever lived, smart, intelligent, hotter than the core of the sun , almost at the same level of god

Shreyas Raina is the best

by Nanauna November 22, 2021

Shreyas Raina

Kings of kings, the greatest human being ever lived, smart, intelligent, hotter than the core of the sun, almost at the same level of god

Shreyas Raina is the best

by Nanauna November 22, 2021

Shreyas Raina

Kings of kings, the greatest human being ever lived, smart, intelligent, hotter than the core of the sun, almost at the same level of god

Shreyas Raina is the best

by Nanauna November 22, 2021