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Rancho campana high school

A great school that has great teachers,students,staff members and a great school to go to!!

1. rancho campana high school is the best!!

by mr.aviationguy June 12, 2023

Rio Rancho High School

Rio rancho High School is the gayest school in the world. All the dumb fucks go there and they don't know anything. They can only whine and cry about fucking cleveland cause it's richer than them and all the kids are way better than them at everything including sports. RRHS is filled with drugs and sluts and whores. They have absolutely no live expect to rob cars in neighborhood across the street from the school and to smoke and pop pills all day! Little fucking ratchet bitches need to get a life.

Person 1: Your a pot head
Person 2: Duuude how'd you know?
Person 1: Cause you go to ratchet Rio Rancho High School fucking retard!

by Sexiness666 October 18, 2013

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Dirty Rancho Santa Margarita

Orange County's drunken version of the Dirty Sanchez after dining at El Ranchitos.

Jeff and LeAnna were at El Ranchitos drinking margaritas. Afterwards they went back to Jeff's place and he gave that dirty bitch a Dirty Rancho Santa Margarita.

by Crystal, LeAnna and Jeff December 1, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rancho Bernardo High School

A great high school, if you are staying involved. People here do tend to be a bit stuck up. The new ASB director is amazing! The staff is nice but not great at teaching. The councelors, and admin do the best they can to help you. The Stable is full of Spirit. RBHS ASB works to bring unity, spirit, and diversty to the school! Go Broncos!

"Woah is that Rancho Bernardo High School!"

"Yeah, I heard that they won the best spirit award in North County!"

by serxnitea October 10, 2021

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Rancho Cucamonga

An old city with recent beginnings. The city itself has been active since the mid 1800's. Route 66 runs right through the middle of it with the Sycamore Inn (est. 1848) still in operation at the west end of the city. Much of the city was established by Italian families who created Rancho Cucamonga's wine history. Though almost all of the vineyards and vintners are gone now (some relocating and taking their grapes to Temecula, Ca.), the city still holds on to their wine-making heritage. The city was called Cucamonga until it was finally incorporated in the mid 1970's and changed its name to Rancho Cucamonga.

Rancho is also home to the Cucamonga Quakes, a minor league, baseball team owned by the Los Angeles Dodgers, where you can often catch a pro-player rehabbing before being released from the disabled list.
Rancho is mainly middle to upper middle income. It sits geographically well between the 10, 15 and 210 freeways, making any excursion easy to navigate to. Las Vegas is about 3.5 hours away. San Diego about 2 hours and Los Angeles about 1 hour.
It's a pretty cool city, but it ain't cheap. The schools are top rated, which brings in people with money. Especially the Asian community. And it has a shit ton of rub-n-tug massage parlors.

"What are you up to today?"

" Not sure. Might catch a Quakes game, then go get a rub down at the Happy Day Spa then get some grub at Victoria Gardens. Telling you, man. Living in Rancho Cucamonga ain't half bad."

by Silent Guiche September 25, 2021

Rancho San Diego

Rancho is filled with a bunch spoiled chaldean kids and show off families. These people are known as rancho rats. Rancho is about 90% Chaldeans and the other 10% is white people who are wannabe Chaldeans. Even if you own three liquor stores or you have no money, you canโ€™t tell because people will still drive a brand new Mercedes or bmw and the broke people will get it for a lease. Rancho is becoming the new El Cajon because everyone in El Cajon wants to be rancho so theyโ€™re all moving here. All the boaters are tryna move here like stay in El Cajon with st Michael please. Thank God I live in jamul !!

Yo where you live?

I live in rancho San Diego with all the rich kids!

by Chaldean September 13, 2023

Rancho kid

A kid that is extremely gay

You that kid must go to Rancho!
Is that a Rancho kid?

by Not a Rancho kid October 6, 2020