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Donovan's Reef

The most heinous of sexual acts known to man, known only to a few select individuals. And Fabio. Definitely Fabio.

How could John have Donovan's Reefed his own wife? Doesn't she kiss his kids with that mouth?

by JackKnopf July 18, 2010

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hit reef

When a guy is having sex with a girl and he hits the back wall of her vagina.

My girlfriend is so small that every time we have sex, I hit reef.

by Nick77 April 12, 2008

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batt reef

The legendary man of Australia’s death bed needs to be nuked ASAP. Thanks Kanye. Also used for fuck you and bitch

Sunny: hey bro don’t be such a bitch
Logan: shut ur hole u Batt Reef

by SyntheticChild December 19, 2019

Coral reef

Occurs when a person takes a very large shit, where it seemingly is spread all over the toilet like coral reef is spread over the ocean floor

Man, John sure did coral reef it after eating too much Arby's.

by Karl Monday January 21, 2010

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bristol reef

feeling someones breasts--BristolsBristol city--titty,cockney ryming slang

She stood for a BRISTOL REEFallowed her breasts to be felt

by roger cole January 14, 2008

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hitting reef

"Hitting reef" is a term that describes when a man's penis penetrates a woman's vagina and proceeds to make contact with the woman's cervix. The term is derived from nautical terminology, which describes a boat in shallow waters that has struck a coral reef.

"Dude, I got laid last night and for the first time I was hitting reef!"

"My girlfriends vagina is small, she is always complaining when I 'hit reef.'"

by I-wrote-sugar-cookie November 22, 2013

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Reef Underground

A backyard coral shop, ring the door bell and a bald man will come from the depths of hell to sell you a coral.

Reef Underground is a backyard hobby coral shop

by Cairns Marine June 22, 2023

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