Source Code

The Right

"REAL MEN are conservative."

"The environment? The environment is for fuckin' pussies."

"It outrages me when the Left gets outraged. Bunch of nutcases!"

"The Russia investigation is a witch hunt! Also, Hillary Clinton practices black magic and her father is bin Laden!"

"Putin is an American hero!"

"The government did 9/11, not the global terrorist organisation that hates the America and the West and claimed responsibility, and continued to carry out attacks all over the world until the rise of its successor Islamic State which continues to try to attack the West."

"The Earth is flat because aliens and NASA and the US education system failed me."

"I don't have any real ideological stance, I just agree with anything Trump says because I don't actually have any morals."

"I hate Jews but I hate Muslims even more so I won't say anything about how the US helps Israel. That being said I will happily drive over holocaust tombstones with my pickup truck given the opportunity."

"I'd rather have my deep-seated atavistic fears and urges govern who I elect than rational thought because intelligence is for libtard cucks."

"Anything other than conventional masculinity sends me into an existential crisis."

"Molesting kids is fine. Just don't use a private email server. Or be a Democrat."

"I TOTALLY respect Martin Luther King for all that he did."

"Obama eats children alive!"

"How dare you call Hitler a Nazi!"

"The Right has lost all credibility."

by Γ‘utechre September 26, 2018

33πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


opposite of left? and now i need a few more letters to submit this....

turn right, no your other right no, now turn left.. god damn it your other left... you retard, now turn around.. how do you mess that up??

by rafie June 26, 2006

27πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Someone taking way too long to explain and you really don't care anyway.

Right-right, I understand! You're taking too freakin' long to explain...

by Stefanie Johansson January 7, 2011

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

is that right

yous a lying son of a bitch

"yo dog remember that chick i left the club with last nite i popped and got dome". Is that rite! well she got home pretty fast cause i was there with her sister".now how that happen when you left at 3am she came in at 3:10 she live rite round da dam coner

by jab December 22, 2003

24πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


something you say to someone who is completely stupid


by Eloisy April 19, 2003

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

right on

A polite way to express the fact that you don't give a shit. Expressed in a way that you do give a shit.

Erin: Yesterday my cat had the biggest hairball ever

Tanya: Right on!

by Tanya Clark June 13, 2007

112πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


Same as strites. A word meaning yes or ofcourse.

" Clubbing tonight? "
" Rights! "

by ridlarh December 17, 2007

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž