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taking out the butt rubbish

A "cute" way of saying: producing a bowel movement; taking a shit

Get me a venti triple. I need to take out the butt rubbish.

by LOLAjesus August 16, 2005

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Chrome plating a rubbish tin

For those who spend money restoring or repairing a piece of shit.

dude, you spend how much on that piece of shit car? talk about chrome plating a rubbish tin?

by Profix October 24, 2008

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Face like a bashed in rubbish tin lid

To describe one whos facial formities are less than lets say, pleasingto look at. Not easy on ones eye.

Ugly as a hat full of arseholes

Craig: "Hey man what do you think of that Justine....?"
Shane: "Man no way! She has a face like a bashed in rubbish tin lid!"

by Shane Shane the Supra Man June 26, 2006

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rubbish kid

someone who is not very good at something they are attempting, for example, surfing

Brah look at dis rubbish kid ova dea

by Da Rubbish Kid April 5, 2017

ambient audible rubbish

Unintelligible ambient sounds or voices produced by sound overlay.

The band was so bad it sounded like ambient audible rubbish.

The ambient audible rubbish at the after party was so loud I couldn't hear myself think.

They were working on a program to interpret ambient audible rubbish so it could be understood.

by Ontological June 25, 2018

Rubbish Rubbers

Bad condoms; condoms that do not work and allow sperm to enter the vagina

Thoes rubbish rubbers didnโ€™t work. We still need up having her

by Jsjjsjshbdbdjsbsb December 29, 2018


Something that is rubbish and foolish at the same time.

This is pure rubbishness....

Something that is rubbish and foolish at the same time.

This is pure rubbishness....

by Ronskin May 13, 2020