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A noobish game that teens play.. they fight and get swords and other random things.. In order to pass the tutorial you need to cook shrimp and do other stuff..

It's addictive

Girl: Hey uhm.. You wanna go out later?
Boy: Can't Im trying to get onto Level 87 on Runescape..
Girl: That game is so gay..
Boy: You said Runescape was gay? I HATE YOU! I never wanna see you again!

Person 1: ..I just went on Runescape >.<
Person 2: Fuck me, even Habbo is better than Runescape!

by Spongochild January 1, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


jesus where can i start,
1.annoying 12 year olds.
2.nerds who think they are popular because they have 50 people in their clan that only like them cuz of there "mage".
3.people who talk tough behind the computer because they cant say stuff to your face.
4.more addicting then heroine, crack, and cocaine combined.
I used to play this lame ass game, it really touched my social life to where i would want to stay home instead of go make out with girls at the movies or something sweet. I managed to quit and I havent played in about a year and i really dont miss it. Don't even try it out, if you see an ad with runescape on it close the damn page. I even paid to become a member, and my friends never found out i played because if they did i would become a loser. since i quit i gained 53 pounds of muscle and have a really hot girlfriend, and am a sophomore in high school playing varsity basketball, all because i quit and found better things to do in life. Seriously in this game they all call people noobs which makes them sound like a homosexual, you go into this place called varrock where in the center you will find people paying runescape money for someone to be their girlfriend, only to be crushed when there "girlfriend" runs off with the money or turns out to be a boy. I actually saw a case where in the back of some block looking castle (aka lumbridge castle) a dude had payed 3m gp for a girl to become his girlfriend. heres what i saw

boy: i gave you 3m gp so i guess your my gf now
girl: i have to tell you something.
boy: what??
*girl runs off with money*
boy: i spent 3 months fishing to get that money!

i seriously fell off my chair laughing

if you play runescape too long, your balls will fall off and be put on the wall by a 50 year old virgin male!

by arabthug101 August 24, 2007

51๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


no! just no. this game killed my life, and drove me away from my family. i was like "it's jus a game, my mates play it will be fun".

then i had this crazy urge to start paying to play. then i couldn't stop. when i quit it was like a drug, calling me. i couldn't stop, i can't stop.

it is so shit, but its worse than cigarettes (uh i quit them easy like) and every time i play im bored shitless, but i think to myself, oh 5 more minuted won't hurt and 8 hours have passed and im still there.

friend 1: hey u coming out?
dave: nah im busy wc, sorry maybe later.
friend 2; (on the phone) hey mate you wanna come chop down some tree in real life, my dad gave me an axe.
dave: sos im cutting trees on runescape
friend 3: you wanna come out, ill pay you.
dave: nah im earning cash on runescape.
friend 3: just use an autoer
dave: oh yeh k.
friend 3: ill knock brt
(8 hours later) dave: omg woot 5 magic logs woot im rich!
next day dave is banned and hangs himself.

by chip fat machine May 20, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a ridiculously addictive RPG overrun by 11 year olds

a common occurance in runescape
Lordfire8894:hahahahaha n00b!
Dragonslayer01: im so nt a noob i cud beat u in the wildy easy
Lordfire8894: i bet u dont hv an ice whip
Dragonslayer01: i had 3 until i sold them for rune armour so there

another common occurance in runescape
happybabe674:du wana b my bf?
klingonqueen: no
happybabe674: plzzzzzzzzzz
klingonqueen: no
happybabe674: ill pay u 2 b my bf!
klingonqueen: just go away!

by spidercat September 26, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. An MMORPG set in a medieval time frame, with skills to improve, mini-games to play, and is often filled with stupid people calling each other noobs to feel better about themselves.

2. Anything that is really addictive and devours your soul.

1. I'm gonna go play Runescape all night long.

2. Runescape is such a runescape

by beejabeeja May 10, 2006

141๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


I work frequently, pay my bills, and have plenty of friends...and I play Runescape. To me, the game is quite relaxing...I might just log on to kill a round of blue dragons, netting me 14 dragon bones and 14 dragonhides. Net total of around 4k gold each kill. Then I might just do something else. I have had countless people over to play on my computer network (two computers, two laptops)...and I feel it is extremely rewarding to help them with their characters. Maybe it is something as simple as providing them with 'full iron' equipment to start with. While the simple cows were killing them before, now they are not.

Even my little niece loves the game, and it has certainly made her more computer savvy...is that a bad thing? How about the cultural exposure? I have met and talked with people from Australia, England, and Canada...all with different dialects. I'm college educated...I started playing MUDS, it didn't ruin my life...in fact it enhanced my typing speed so much that I easily landed jobs doing data entry. This made me actual money.

And think of runescape like 'Economics' 101...it forces you to budget, for if you don't you won't be able to buy that nice shiny whip. You could later apply to be a used car salesperson, because people had attempted to scam you in every possible way, so you became insanely street smart.

Do NOT stay on the same skill, or you will burnout fast. Choose a skill like slayer, and stick with that.

I invent large chess variants, and I play piano for weddings, and I enjoy runescape...it certainly doesn't make you a loser. My other friend would have webcam chats with girls he met on Runescape...what's wrong with that? I'd say that he's meeting MORE people because of the game.

To all you who denigrate this game, please just think more carefully. It is what you make of it.

I'm not playing right now because grinding dragon bones gives me carpal tunnel, rofl!

Newbie: Plz plz, I need gold
Me: Work on your smithing
Newbie: I can't be bothered (australian phrase), mining is boring too.

Runescape, the other white meat.

by Andrew Kaczrowski March 8, 2007

189๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Pay To Play MMORPG that offers a very limited free service to new players. The game is plagued by players who can p00n j00 pl0x. The game is also plagued by Asian goldfarmers who macro in the game and sell the money to give other players an unfair advantage. The company Jagex tried to stop the autoers, but if you go to yew trees today, you will still see level 3s with asian names macroing. Runescape is heavily plagued by scammers as well.

WARNING. This game is severely addicting and will suck you in if you start playing. The game is addicting because once you get extremely good in one skill, you will want to start becoming the best in another skill, and it never ends because the company keeps on adding new skills.

Their forum system is extremely strict and controlled, and your posts will be locked, or usually *hidden* if your comment portrays any truth about the game. For example, I was permanently banned from the game because I posted that the player mods are just stupid ban happy 12 year olds that will ban you simply because they are jealous of your stats. If you have a negative thought about the game, do not post it on the forums because it will be hidden and locked within 20 seconds.

The highly addicted players have around 300,000,000 exp in the game, which at a rate of 50k exp per hour, gives them a grand total of about 6,000 playing hours. This is the equivalent of about a years paycheck of around 40,000-80,0000 dollars for the average person not enrolled in college.

Stay away from Runescape, save your time, your social life, and get a job!

Person 1: Hey Paul wanna go to the party tonight?
Paul: No thanks, I have to hit 85 mining to night so I can mine rune ores! Then I am going pking with all my Runescape friends.
Person 1: Wow. Loser.

by P R O Cook June 9, 2006

143๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž