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Acting like a bitchy, whiny woman.

This salliness is unacceptable. If you don't stop I will buy you tampons for your bleeding vagina. (talking to a man)

by sallimay May 17, 2011

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Salvation Army thrift shop

I bought it at Sally's for a buck.

by John Fullerton July 2, 2006

53πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


She is an amazing girl that always makes you laugh. She makes it hard to work on your work when you work with her m. She has a million friends and she deserves them.

Oh my gosh it’s sallie!!!! She is so cool

by Ydnfjakdudjhdjdvkxkgnskfudk February 13, 2019

20πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A moment of flaky and silly behavior that leads to disastrous results. Typically behavior thought to be associated with blondes, but in the case of Sallied, more likely to be an Asian girl.

The cable man took one look at the cut cable cords and stated that it must have been Sallied.

by Peony907 August 20, 2012

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1. another term for wuss/wimp/ acting like a little girl

"I don't want to sneak into a movie, what if we get caught?"

"Quit being such a sally, let's go!"

by AceAquafresca July 29, 2005

1038πŸ‘ 881πŸ‘Ž


Ah man... she is the best! She is kind, beautiful as hell and cute
She will make your day.
B.T.W Estate loves her so much!

She will be with you forever.

Estate: salli is love of my life.

Salli: aww... cute

by Yas it's me June 3, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Excess funds from a school or education loan administered by Sallie Mae Corporation. While supposed to be used for living expenses, students then use this money to go out drinking or other non-education related pursuits.

"Hey, Lemme get this round of beers. Sallie's buying."

by drunklawstudent March 7, 2008

40πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž