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The happy, yet rude side of "emo". Usually liking anything with the words, cunt, whore, and hardxcore in it.

Look at him with his red bandana and his tight girly pant's! He's such a scene kid!

by scene x cunt June 26, 2006

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Who cares..
Scene is Scene, just as emo,goth, prep, jock, and every other label there is out there. People dress how they feel, and what they like. Why are the people who dress in black or anything thats not prep looked down upon so much? There are a lot of people who can be fake and trying to be something they arent.. so why do people just make rude comments about scene/emo/goth/punk/fashioncor(ect.) kids.A preppy girl or guy can dress that way just to impress.
Who cares how scene someone is, or how they dress or talk.
If you dont like it, then ignore it. Dont complain about it.
There's always gunna be trends, and people tend to follow them. Its life. Deal with it. If your not doing it, then why does it matter if someone else is or not? Maybe they are just trying to be "cool" doesnt everyone want to be well liked?
I'm not going to write the definition of scene..
We all know what it is. Or what it looks like..
Im not going to waste my time complaining about how someone i dont even know dresses. So answer me this.

:dude hes scene. ew.
*punches in the face*

by Brie_Hollywood August 30, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bunch of cunts and faggots who run around the mall with rats nests on their heads, spending their parent's money and pretending like their faggotry makes them unique.

All of them are misguided retards. Most of them act like pussies, but some of them try to act tough. Those who do are faggots, and wouldn't last a minute against a real man before they start crying, fall to their knees, and beg for mercy.

When they grow some balls and get a brain in their heads, they'll realize what faggots they were and wonder why they ever wanted to look like that. They'll also regret it, as everyone will remember them as being some giant, scene-jumping hipster piece of putrefying dogshit wet-pussy faggot.

Josh: Hey, look at that scene faggot walking out of the mall!

Mike: That kid's a pussy! Let's go mug him!

by Ethan666 May 24, 2010

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5 words: "Admit it" by Say Anything. Sums up the whole scene idea and how i feel about it. Being "scene" is just another useless trend people are following because they arent confident enough to just be themselves. It has absolutely nothing to do with music and everything to do with being better than everyone else.

being scene:"its the same superiority complex shared by the highschool jocks and it makes you a slave to the competetive capitalist dogma you spend every moment of your waking life bitching about"

by fingers crossed April 27, 2006

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A very common trend these days.
The scene is made up of kids who say
they are different but they all look exactly the same.
Scene kids use words
such as:
brootal, massacre, vanity, horror, terror,
and any other stupid word that makes
them look tough but has absolutley nothing
to do with them. They are obsessed with
their looks. They will sometimes leave
their real friends because they rather
go look cool with thier scene possy.
For some strange reason they have come
to love dinosours. Most people become
scene to be liked or accepted by others.
The whole scene trend is a bunch of bull sh**!

scenegirlTERROR: I am so cool with my
colored hair extentions, skinny jeans,
and giant over exaggerated hair.

scenekidsMASSACRElol: Hey lets go talk to
that girl. Look how cool she looks.
Lets get her to hang out with us. Then
maybe we can bang her.

by uhh_nikki September 8, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Scene kids;

Are faggots who wear massive bows in thier hair.

Love hello kitty and dinosaurs and pokemon and my little pony and anything childish/cartoony.

Post 70000 Myspace buillitens about thier EVERYThing e.g " OMG i hateee my english teacher ! "
" i just ate so much maccas ! im going to bed now ! ILY ALL !

Who use faces like this ^.^ ^_^ on myspace/msn all the time.

Wear way too much eyeliner cause they think it makes them look tough.

Love all the scene bands e.g Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco.

Have hair extensions.

Fake stretchers/piercings.

Don't inhale when they smoke.

They wear those gay as flat shoes with the little bows on them, or rip off connies.

They have shit as scene kid myspace names usually something that has your name, then a word to do with tragedy, terror, doom ect that starts with the same letter. E.g, KirstyKills. FlickFaggot. Sarah-TerrorTrish. Yeah you get it.

They usually have perfect lives but complain about little things, or make things up to seem like they have shit as lives.

One day they're Metro, Next they're Emo.

The spell gay 'ghey' LOL.

They shop at Jay Jays.

They photoshop ALL thier myspace pics.

They type lyrics as thier captions for thier pics on myspace.

They put x's in thier myspace names. eg.


They also talk like fags e.g

" HOMG yuur t0t3zZz mii best fran gurl ! ^.^ "

They are tryhard faggots.

i hate scene kids !

" HOMG. I t0t3z bought these proper pretty bows todaii. ^.^ They're super cute.

by JAYDE HATES SCENE KIDS ! August 17, 2008

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a scene kid is someone who is the ceneter of the attention. not in a jumping singing out loud way. but the kind that comes w/ compulsive complements and everyone wants to either be them ,know them or date them
every scene boy/girl has a scene gf/bf. its fact proven. it seems now the scene is heading to get as unique as it can get. so they have been shifting to trying to get mixed scene bf/gf's||Example:hotest mixes white/japanese/philipino|latin/black/white||french/mexica/hawian||latin/black/thia or things similar SCENE BOYS usually date thier one and only close friend .the one who gets them. the one who doesnt laugh at them when they put on their makeup. the one who understands what thier saying. and accepts thier oppinions. and doesnt start any drama.SCENE GIRLS usually also date their close friend. the one who accpets them as them. and can borrow thier jacket any time.:SCENE GIRLS attitude is set wierd. theier happy all the time even when they look sad or mad. the happy hardcore music keeps them up. they say slang words no knows the meanings of. and they have this cool kid whatever attitude replying things like, "yeah sure dood", "ferr sure","too cool" e.t. cetra SCENE BOYS always have this dgaf attitude to everyone except the thier very best female friend. all scene kids best friend is of the opposite sex.*notice all scene kids photo's are with a member of the opposite sex.

Need Help Figuring Out Your scene Best Friend/Gf/Bf?
the person thats usually seen w/ you most often.
if the girl or boy matches any or all of these get off your shy ass and ask them be your effin gf/bf! right now. bc you already know they like you, hurry before its too late

by pseudonym kids January 29, 2010

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