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Scene/Scenester/Scene Kid is a person who is associated with the MUSIC SCENE, usually being hardcore/punk rock type music. Pays close attention to the latest fashion trends and usually tries to make it their own. Usually has a myspace featuring dinosaurs guns etc. Sometimes they are very elitist especially to youths who copy their personal styles.

Apearence: Tight band shirts, shirts with random pictures on them like bright dinosaurs and guns, tight girl pants, bandanas around neck and wrists, converse or skate shoes, choppy self-cut hair many times dyed/streaked, hoodies, no hats, bright colors, piercings, www.hottopic.com for most scene clothing examples

Music: Scenesters/Scene Kids are all about the music! they LOVE music with a PASSION and know tons of underground bands and listen to almost anything as long as its not too "mainstream" or too "pop/country"

Attitude: Scenesters/Scene Kids are very happy, have very high self-esteem, are very RANDOM, care alot about personal appearance, are very social, and are very stuck up, and love random things like dinasours and robots, guns and stars and whales, mudkips

Activities: Shows/Parties/Myspace where they have tons of friends, finding new music

Negativity1: Many Scenesters/Scene Kids are said to be posers, lack originality, try-hard to look like their favorite band. BUT you can say the same for ALL stereotypes, the hiphop, punk, goth, metal, jock, prep, harajuku, weeaboo, furry, pretty much any fashion following stereotypes out there

Negativity2: Others mistake Scene for Emo but they are NOT the same. Emo kids are so sad to the point of killing themselves or atleast act like it. and Emocore don't wear girl pants

SceneSchelle: SUP NIG
Anonymous: So i herd you liek MUDKIPS
SceneSchelle: OMFG you know i am nigga. UR so radd. (:

by lance iss anonymouse March 6, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


*explaination below

Many people these days have different thoughts on 'scene kids'. Many people also relate 'scene kids' to 'emo kids'. Well, let me explain them both to you.

'Scene Kids' are more in for the style, and the music. The music genre that most stick to are hardcore, metal, screamo or anything like so. Some also listen to, dance, rap, hip-hop and trance music. 'Scene kids' goto as many shows as possible to meet up with their friends, meet new 'scene kids', see their 'favourite band', and throwdown * . Music is not everything to them though. Style is also very important. The way your portray yourself will lable you a 'scene kid' or a 'n00b * '. Most 'scene kids' stick to the regular, tight pants, converse (now a days, nike hightops), band tees, colourful mo-print tees, colourful hair, colourful makeup, fair skin and headbands. Body modification is also a big part of being 'scene'. The more wierd the piercing/tattoo the more 'scene' you are. Meeting up with your 'scene friends' and saying how much 'n00bs' annoy you, drinking, doing substances, and destroying public property are a favourite passtime. 'Scene kids' also hate preppy kids...for obvious reasons.
The Rules of Being 'SCENE'
1. Having a lot of x's in your name are not scene.
(x's are for straightXedge kids, n00bs, and emo kids)
2. Adding every 'scene kid' on myspace isn't scene.
3. Scene nicknames are a must on myspace.
(Sarah Slaughter, Marissa Murder, Alex Autopsy etc..)
4. 'Scene kids' must goto shows.
5. 'Scene kids' always say they aren't scene.
(if you say your scene, your a n00b.)
6. Doing illegal things is 'cool'
(breaking the law is risky, looking like a rebal give you scene points)
7. Having a lot of colours in your hair makes you scene and 'unique'
8. Teased hair is okay, unless its unbelievably teased.
(having hair that is too teased, makes you seem like a 'n00b')
9. Hello Kitty, Dinosaurs, and other 'cute' animals are very scene.
10. Photography, Poetry, Painting, Drawing and every other artistic thing is scene

'Emo Kids' are emotional. They are not happy with the world, are heartbroken, cut and cry. These kids get made fun of a lot, which makes them even more emotional. Writing poems about how depressed you are, is very 'emo'. Wearing only black, and not having any colours is very 'emo'. Heavy black make-up is very 'emo' because when you cry, people know. 'Emo kids' do not care that everyone knows how emotional they are, they actually prefer it.

*N00b; Posers. These kids wear colourful socks, have little children backpacks, and usually have un-'scene' hair. They call themselves 'scene' which is not very scene at all.
*Throwdown; Hardcore Dancing. A bunch of kids in a mosh pit, waving their arms around, spin-kicking and doing a lot of other harmful 'hardcore' dance moves.

Scene Kids are also related to:
Emo Kids
Raver Kids
Hardcore Kids
& Goth Kids

by SammySlaughter July 18, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for 'emo' or 'trendy'. What's 'in'.

Scene Kids usually have choppy black hair and wear eyeliner. The guys wear tight band shirts. More points if it's a band no one has heard of. They wear studded belts and chuck taylor or vans. Plastic bracelets and big white-rimmed glasses that take up half their face. Tight girl pants. Pearls and bows, hair bands and things that little kids would wear. Their screen names usually contain 'x's. The more x's you have, the more 'scene' you are. AIM profiles usually have their myspace links in it, and are laced up with lyrics. More points if its 'emo'. Stars, hearts, and checkers are all 'scene'. Being straight edge is scene' Talking about how much you love a certain band, but you've only heard like 2 songs is 'scene.'

Neon colors, guns that go bang bang, vintage clothes, thrift stores, eyeliner like woah, polka dots, collared shirts, tight pants, black hoodies, gauged ears, lip rings, piercing your own body, studded jackets, etc. All scene.

Girl:: I dyed my hair black and pierced my lip today. Cause I'm so scene!!!123

Guy:: I got a new studded belt and band shirt size youth small from Hot Topic today.
Another Guy:: Shh! No one is supposed to know we actually buy things from Hot Topic. The cool thing to do is to order online, so you seem trendy without actually trying to be trendy. Duh.

XxOmgshesaidwahxX: oh my god i love underoath! I can't wait to go to their show
xBleeding xHeartsx: me too! what's your favorite song?
XxOmgshesaidwahxX: I dunno! I've only heard one song.
XBleeding xHeartsx: I <3 you. You're so scene.

by Pokemon June 2, 2005

309๐Ÿ‘ 220๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A definition on Urban Dictionary that, for some reason, seemed to prompt prepubescent, androgynous children to post hundreds of black and white pictures of themselves wearing too much gaudy makeup with their hair covering half of their faces, and tight black clothing with obscure bands written on the t-shirts.

2. A contest that involves seeing who can get their hair to cover the most of their faces, listen to the most obscure bands, and have the most "friends" on MySpace.

Look! A picture of a black/pink-haired 15 year old girl wearing too much makeup, net stockings with a ripped skirt, lip rings, and a t-shirt with an obscure band on it on Urban Dictionary! I wonder if she's "scene" or "emo", and how many friends she has on MySpace!

by One Half March 25, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


people who think their kewl by putting display names on myspace that match or rhyme with their real name

i think my new display name will be JoeyJurrasic KthxBai omg im so scene ^_^

by Isnorlaxx September 30, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


-short black/blond hair w/bangs
-thick glasses or huge sunglasses
-backwards studded belts
-rolled up dark jeans that show ass crack
-mostly black/red/bright pink clothes
-lip/septum piercings
-slip on shoes
-ugly tattoos
-pale as hell
-mad eyeliner
*beware! scene girls look nothing like they do in their myspace pictures!

-same hair as girls
-lip rings
-tight obscure band t-shirts
-tighter girl jeans
-chucks, new balance, asics
-camo shorts
-and more "original" stuff! yay!
*beware! some scene guys dress tougher than others, but dont get confused! they are both emo saps on the inside!

scene girl: hey wanna make out?
scene guy: k.

same scene girl: hey wanna make out?
different scene guy: k.

by dumb!!! August 5, 2005

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The "Scene" typically refers to a hardxcore or emocore subculture where fashion and physical appearance are held in higher regard than the actual music itself. So closely related to fashioncore that the two terms are interchangable in most scenarios.

The scene is a slap in the face to real musicians. The contention of the scene is that it's basically cool to be a poser.

Characteristics that scene kids usually have:
- pretend to be guitarists when all they're likely able to play are open/power/barre chords

- hair that's long in the front and short in the back (e.g. a devilock or emo hair)

- overly-tight pants. the scene guys usually wear misses size womens pants.

- overly-tight shirts with the name of the crappiest/most obscure band you can find. also wear "vintage" shirts that are bought from ebay or thrift stores (e.g. a shirt from a rolling stones concert in the 1970's while the kid wearing it was born in the 1980's).

- lots of facial piercings... gauged ears (usually 0g or more), septum piercing, double lip piercings (snake bites), labret piercing, etc.

Scene and emo need to die.

by bryan18 August 25, 2005

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