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Shaking Hands With The Puppet Master

This is a phrase that a gentleman may use to indicate that he is about to masturbate (referring, of course, to the penis as being a metaphor for a puppeteer's hand, with the female being the puppet).

Now with your kind permission, madam, I would like to retreat into the back room and engage in shaking hands with the puppet master. I shan't be long.

Jenkins was feeling very horny yesterday, as he hadn't participated in shaking hands with the puppet master since the weekend.

by Karfungulator October 8, 2007

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shake my other hand

Jerk me off it suck my dick used as more of a metaphor not in an actual sexual situation

Dad: go do the dishes

Me : fuck you shake my other hand

by Pussy eating champion February 10, 2017

Shake Hands with an Old Friend

Urinate, male version.

Excuse me for a few minutes, I have to go shake hands with an old friend.

by JoshinLVNY May 14, 2021

Shake Hands with the Governor of Love.

v. To masturbate.

Derived from the Latin phrase "Contremesco manuum per Imperator Diligo", lit. Shake hands with the Emperor of Love.

This phrase was believed to have been coined by Juvenal in order to express to a lady friend how he would like to masturbate onto her tits without being crude and causing offence.

1. I'm just off to shake hands with the Governor of Love.

2. Check it out! I just took a photo of me shaking hands with the Governor of Love.

3. Hey, baby. How about I shake hands with the Governor of Love all over your mammaries?

by Drew Peacock. September 27, 2009

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Shaking Hands With The One Eyed Milkman

In simple terms, going for a Wank.

Mark: What you doing later??
Lewis: Shaking hands with the one eyed milkman then off to bed.

by Markdaspark2 January 17, 2012

Shaking hands with ole Ben Franklin

To jerk off

Wild greg sure loves shaking hands with ole Ben Franklin when he's alone

by Ajbiceps February 9, 2018

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shake hands with the wife's best friend

to urinate

I'm gonna go to the restroom and shake hand's with the wife's best friend.

by sloppy Joe April 30, 2003

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