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sketchy skeezer

1.)An untrustworthy, shady girl, who constantly goes after other womens men.

2.)A female who constantly over-steps the limits into territory not her own.

1.) "That Jennifer girl is such a sketchy skeezer, you better keep your man aways from her"

2.) "I swear to god if that sketchy skeezer cooks my husband dinner one more time, I'm gonna beat her ass."

by ~*Funky Fresh*~ March 20, 2008

skeezer pleaser

A person who has sex with a skeezer; someone who will hook up with a tart, skank or battle toad.

What a skeezer pleaser. He hooked up with that easy ugly girl last night!

by PMax August 20, 2008

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salty skeezer

a bitch that is uspet because she's a hoe, and she realizes you just want to hit it and quit it.

That salty skeezer will not quit calling me.

by boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooty September 23, 2006

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skeezer skittle

a birth control pill taken by a sensible skeezer blah blah who does not want to repopulate the world with bastard children; without skeezer skittles 40% of the United States population would live off of welfare alone

Damn! that bitch finished off another whole bottle of skeezer skittles?
Ya, she doesn't want to get impregnated by another one of the special ed kids!

by Platinum Pimp February 23, 2006

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Man Skeezer

1.) A rap album released in the mid 1980's by Hip-hop's first openly gay rappers: MC Booty-B and Homo-D.

2.) Any male who fulfills the requirements for skeezer status. see skeezer for requirements.

1.) "Honestly, we expected Man Skeezer to be a huge success. I mean...it was the 80's, look at how people dressed. You could be 'out of the closet' and nobody would know." - MC Booty-B

Eric: "I heard she had scabies, but i'd still beat."

Sam: "...Dude, 2 words: Man-Skeezer".

by premiumskeet March 31, 2008

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Skeezer Salad

A whore. Must be two or more to be considered a Salad. Otherwise, they are simply a Skeezer.

Group girls walking down the street in a short skirt, tube top and heels, strutting her stuff.
Example: "She's a Skeezer"
Example: "No, its a Skeezer Salad!!!"

by Elizabeth Nelson June 4, 2007

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Inanimate Skeezer

One you chaotically with no remorse or a sense of any good morals sexually violates inanimate objects.

1. "Damn the Inanimate Skeezer Tony, now there's jizz inside my CD player"

2. "Daddy can i go down the slide?"
"Sure thing sweetey just wait till the Inanimate Skeezer is done."

by Flash the Ripper January 21, 2008

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