Source Code

German smear

A German smear is made by dipping two fingers in shit, doesn’t matter whose it is, then giving yourself a Hitler mustache with it. Now grab your lover and plant a big sloppy kiss.

Ryan would do anything for Cody, so when Cody asked to try the German smear, Ryan pooped his right there. #truelove

by El Conquistador April 1, 2018

Cajun smear

When someone brings home cajun rubbed wings after drinking and eats them in bed !

Keith brings home cajun rubbed wings and eats them in bed and the sheets have cajun smear all over them.

by Jay 1975 January 28, 2017

Pab smear

It is an evil bitch who works with your husband who is trying to fuck him. Word made from the intials of the cocksucking cunt who this word is dedicated to

Hey, I just read an email from this bitch my husband works with....what a pab smear.

by panhandler June 16, 2010

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smear the queer

A national pastime for everyone but San Fransicans.

Football game where whoever has the ball is the "queer" you you tackle, "smear" the bajebus out of him

Hey! Give the ball to Chris!!

by WaCha McWang December 6, 2003

474πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž

butt smear

1) residue left in ones underwear

2) an offensive term

jane left a butt smear in her panties.

by money January 9, 2004

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pabst smear

A drink. When a Pabst Smear is ordered, a shot of vodka is dropped into a pitcher of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Julie: Hey Sandy, isn't that bartender your gyno?
Sandy: Ohmigod, it is! I'm gonna go order us a Pabst Smear!

by Micha P May 26, 2006

58πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Papal Smear

Any of several bodily fluids taken from the Pope to make sure all is well with the Holy Father's naughty bits. Usually collected by a Vatican Manginacologist, the samples are checked for disease and and then sent to the FBI for DNA comparison in ongoing kid diddler investigations.

A Papal Smear recently sold on eBay for $135K. No one is sure just who reached under the Pope's gown and stole her grogan.

by Cuntoleezza Rice May 20, 2008

45πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž