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Smol bean

A person that is so small and adorable. A phrase typically used in fandoms

Peyton the hubby is a smol bean

by SarcasticSmartass98 July 22, 2016

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Smol Beans

Whereas a Smol Bean is something petite and cute (usually used in fandoms) a Smol Beans is an insult. It depends on usage.

to compliment one person: Hi Smol Bean
to insult one person: Hi Smol Beans
to compliment multiple people: Hi you Smol Beans
to insult multiple people: Hi you bunch of Smol Beans

Smol Bean: Brendon Urie is a such a Smol Bean with a big forehead and I love him so much.
Smol Beans: (to my brother): "Shut up Smol Beans, no one cares."
Smol Beans: Say hello to all of my students, these beautiful Smol Beans.
Smol Beans: "Go away you insolent punk bunch of Smol Beans."

by Shadoe5722 May 22, 2016

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

UWU smol bean

Oh yes, β€œUWU smol beans”. They tend to only speak to you if you look β€œcute” or if your name is β€œJake”, and also have an obsession with cookies. Every time you speak to them there’s a chance they might hit you with a β€œ;-;”, or a β€œ.-.”, and they average around 3’1 to 4’5 feet. They use strange legs, a weird torso, and weird looking arms to make them look smaller than they should be. There’s also a 70% chance they make β€œGacha Videos” and are fake anime lovers.

Y/N: Hello! UWU smol bean: ;-; Y/N: ? UWU smol bean: .-.

by meryaleen January 18, 2021

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

uwu smol bean

Someone who is so annoying and stupid they crave attention for the sole purpose of being "cute" or "quirky". And make dumb faces like "UwU" or "OwO" etc.

Shut up you uwu smol bean

Brynn is such an uwu smol bean

by Skinnybarbzxo January 4, 2021

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cute smol bean

michael jackson

michael jackson is a cute smol bean that must be protected at all costs

by 80smyqueen September 28, 2019

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Smol Bean Boi

Whenever your short boyfriend is being adorable and/or acting like a bean (being innocent). Your smol bean boi just wants attention, meaning huggles and cuddles. :3 Please give the smol bean boi huggles and cuddles.

Colton, you are my smol bean boi.

by A bean boi December 11, 2019

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lonely smol bean

when you and your friends pretend your lonely.

Emma: we can be lonely smol beans!

by xoxo._.em January 15, 2018

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