a sniggers classic is a comical/iconic moment made by a snigger member in the sniggers current groupchat that creates great humour and a great moment in the groupchat that also gets reactions of a higher caliber of +1 or more however this also depends as it must be iconic/comical and one cannot claim his own sniggers classic unless another member says it is
ilyas: ahmed you fat cunt
mert: sniggers classic
Trigger snigered is a term commonly used by individuals from New Zealand it is generally used when you have been visited by the zoot lords and are so unbelievably blazed out of your mind
“Bro I just ate 74 big macs”
“Your trigger sniggered”
A group led by Special Snowflake and is full of retards and are all great guys.
A sneaky nigger
One who sneaks around to get the watermelon 🍉
Look at that snigger! He's over there sneaking some watermelon!
When a black person laughs
“Yo, do you see daquan over there? He’s sniggering.”
used as a loophole word in the gaming community, for the use of the (usually) censored word nigger.
you playing like some sniggers