The word(Sophisticates) firstly was meaning "knowledge",but nowadays that word shifted a meaning.You know famous word ; "philos + sophos": philosophos means person who loves knowledge.
at least 2500 years is related to the term sophos until it is the Latin word at xiv.. century.
Sophisticated meanings are quatitions by oxfordlearnersdictionaries
How do you use sophisticated?
"Sophisticated means having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important."
"Sophisticated means (of a machine, system, etc.) clever and complicated in the way that it works or is presented"
"Sophisticated means (of a person) able to understand difficult or complicated ideas."
a group of bad ass milf slaying men, and luke , they have the cleanest riggs around, then acobs tacoma, take home the scrapin trophy every year
oh he is in southern sophisticated his truck was at my moms house the other night
1. Pretentious
2. That piece of writing you had to edit in your creative writing discussion that was written by an emo with a thesaurus fetish and unresolved daddy issues.
"Damn, what did I just read? Rory, that was so pseudo-sophisticated. There so much unnecessary drama!"
Look at George over there, he is a sophisticated streamlined shit
Pretentious music lovers, particularly of Jazz.
See them over there in the crocheted scarves and loafers - they're a right bunch of city sophisticates.
What a foreign language sounds like to someone who doesn’t speak said language.
Me and friends: French sounds like sophisticated gibberish.