TRASH STRAIGHT TRASH. Cheats on his girlfriend with ugly hoes. Doesn’t know what he has until it’s gone but you know who gives a crap. He deserves all the bad karma he gets.
Thomas Sorrow?
Yeah, what a trash hoe.
A channel that makes you thinking about killing yourself nothing to the cringe, shocking and fucking painful situations he reads out from sub reddits. Seriously if he could cure my fucking depression it can for sure fucking cure yours.
*911 call*
Victim: Help me im fucking dying
*holding back laughter*
Operator: Oh shit what sorrow tv video your watching.
*says confused*
Victim: WHAT no i am L I T E R A L L Y dying.
*says in excitement*
Operator: Oh shit your watching r/niceguys aren't you!
*Victim dies from internal bleeding*
Same thing as a joy ride but with a gas station at the end of it
o man i got to go the gas station at 4.50 a gallon this is going to be a sorrow ride
That moment in The Office when they sing “9,986,000 Minutes” to Michael.
The moment of sorrow begins when Michael looks at his employees and whispers “somethings happening...”
Changing the amount of sorrow in feeling or showing
I went through a sorrowful change
A sorrow is the word for a collective of goths.
Look at those people dressed all in black- they must be a sorrow of goths.