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South Adams high school

South Adams is a school full of preppy rich bitches, and snitches. This school has a VERY retarded high school principal, this principal goes by “Brent Lemons”, he will send you to “RISQ” for trashing on him but will not give a damn about a unstable student constantly making shooting threats. If you go to this school don’t be surprised is you go to school one day an your favorite teacher goes to the school anymore because your principal had an affair with her.

Don’t go to south Adams high school

by Omwtfym October 14, 2019

6👍 1👎

South Side High School

Don't be fooled by the ghetto sounding name, this Rockville Centre public high school is home to Long Island's richest bitches and dicks. Although some students who attend South Side come from South Hempstead, the majority of the school is made up of the rich, white Rockville Centre kids. The academics are some of the highest rated not just on Long Island, but in the state of New York. Far more like a private school than a public school.

You go to South Side High School? I figured as much once I saw the Vineyard Vines fleece and Ralph Lauren tee.

by rvcbitch19 January 8, 2012

33👍 19👎

South Johnston High School

One of the oldest schools in hick-town Johnston County, where the kids are sluts who practice incest and the teachers have criminal records. This was the last high school in Johnston County to become integrated, which doesn't surprise most of their students. Despite all of it's flaws, this school is considered the best out of every other high school in this county. It's rival is the one and only Nazi-based school, West Johnston High School. The ways to get an absence excused here are with doctor notes, court notes, or if you were working on the farm with your brother/fiancée. This, I shit you not.

Son, c'mon, our work here on this ol' farm's dun and over with. We gotta go to South Johnston High School now, hey, pass me yer math homework, I didn't finish mine yet. Oh never mind, I'll just copy it when we get to class.

by MadamCadaver March 23, 2011

51👍 37👎

south sydney high school

literally the worst school you could ever go to
dont even think about sending your kids here or going yourself
absolute shithouse of a school and i hope it gets burned to a crisp

south sydney high school really does suck.

by 8hefnssje July 25, 2021

South Caldwell High School

South Caldwell High School located in Hudson NC is one of the 3 schools in Caldwell county, all the girls are notoriously horny and will definitely drop their pants if you ask them too. If you meet a virgin at this school, they’re either super religious or extremely weird there is no in between. Everyone is so fucked up on nicotine and xans if you talk to someone they’re most likely going to call you a fuck nigga and ask to hit your vape. Yeahhh SSTID? More like how’d you get that STD you nasty little bastard. Unless you are a drugged out up shot, stay as far away from that shit hole as you possibly can.

Bro be careful, that bitch goes to South Caldwell High School, she definitely has vagina spiders

by FuckCoke69 May 22, 2022

South Wigston High School

This is a school full of chavs and bitchy girls. There are fights pretty much everyday and the school is shit.

Jimmy: Oh look theres a school.
Sarah: You dont want to go there its full of chavs.
Jimmy: It must be South Wigston High School

by IDontLikePeople2071 November 26, 2019

South Williamsport high school

South Williamsport high school where everybody knows everybody because it’s filled with nosey bitches who love drama, crack heads that think they’re the shit and cause fights over the dumbest shit, and people that talk shit nonstop but can’t back it up.

Don’t go to South Williamsport high school, it’s full of crackhead and bitches that talk shit on everyone.

by YaAintHeardItHere December 8, 2019