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Slang/Street term used to define someone who enjoys smoking marijuana on a daily basis. The common stoner, contrary to popular belief of excessive laziness, trouble making, or having a negative impact on society. In reality the common stoner is none of the above, they are often friendly, laid back, and understanding.

traveler - hey can you tell me how to get to East 12th Street from here?
stoner - yeah man no problem, now all you gotta do is take a left at Knoxville, go straight about a mile then you will hit a stop light and if you went over railroad tracks you went too far man. Now when your at the stoplight take a right then the first left and your on east 12th street dude.
travelers wife - wow that man was really friendly.
traveler - yeah, i think thats what the kids today call a stoner.

by Josh & James October 30, 2007

33πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a stoner smokes a lot of weed but is still in control of there life. stoners are generally peaceful natured, and nice people. also they know just about everything about weed, and probably made a bong in there high school ceramics class or made a pipe in wood shop

stoners say things like: dude! they're the best band to listen to when your high

by big roody March 24, 2008

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Someone who smokes a lot of pot, most likly daily and probably more than once a day. These people are very kind and will be friends with anyone. If they find out you smoke pot also they want to hang out and smoke with you and become friends. Stoners rarely ever want to fight, they keep the peace and pass the bowl. They enjoy smoking weed when drunk or trippin' because it makes the feelings more intense. They probably dont have very much money very often and when they do they buy large ammounts of mary jane. Stoners are not bad people like other people make us out to be. We're just chill people who found our drug of choice.

"I'm proud to be a stoner, yes i am for the rest of my life"-kottonmouth kings

by stoner-babe-420 February 27, 2009

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


An individual who smokes or consumes marijuana habitually and ritualistically. Stoner and Pothead are often conflated in everyday discourse, but the two words are actually very different in meaning.

Pothead is a derogatory term used to describe one who is essentially addicted to, and obsessed with, marijuana. This dependence manifests in their appearance, thought processes, behaviors, and speech.

A Stoner, however, is one who defies the "prototypical" wastrel image proposed by mainstream society. These individuals enjoy cannabis on a daily basis, but are clandestine about its use, maintaining this sense of secrecy because of the stigma attached by the hegemonic majority.

These individuals cherish the time and money spent enjoying their holy herb, and will partake in its use with a complete stranger, recognizing a certain, universal connection between Stoners. A relaxation of mind and spirit seems to typify the Stoner; consequently, they unanimously hold an appreciation for ethereal and abstract ideologies. They are generally warm-hearted, introspective, and viscerally imaginative.

One primary misconception is that the Stoner is unintelligent and lazy. While this characterization might be appropriate for a Pothead, Stoners are a stark contrast. There is no doubt that they are predominantly Type B personalities, but such qualities that supposedly suggest β€œlaziness” are merely a testament to their innate ability. The ease with which the Stoner skates through school, classes, and the cognitive tasks of everyday life, despite continuous intoxication, suggests a very high intelligence. In fact, many Stoners can be classified as gifted underachievers: that is, students who perform very well on standardized testing (ie; SATs, ACTs, GREs) but fail to perform to their potential in the academic arena.

Despite their noncompetitive natures and tranquil demeanors, Stoners care deeply about a handful of personal, core values. They will not openly express their innermost beliefs readily, but when they do, their code of ethics is almost always virtuous. They are nonconformists of thought and idea, and as so, choose creative outlets for their renderings. They may not adhere to the hegemonic script of society, but eventually they will find success, and find happiness, unlike β€œthe mass of men.”

Stoner 1: Dude, wanna skip French class and light up?

Stoner 2: Sure man. I mean, I got like a 91 on the last test, so I can just chill till midterms.

Stoner 1: Sick man, we'll take the backroads and listen to Biggie.

Stoner 2: WORD

by Chilleazy February 26, 2009

21πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Someone who enjoys somking ganja on a regular basis. Stoners aren't scummy people. Anyone who looks down on stoner needs to go to hell. They're peaceful and have more of an appreciation for music and relaxing than most of the population. They also tend to be broke...a lot...

He's a Stona' ked, Yeah Ked...

by Rifffffff May 14, 2004

5371πŸ‘ 3661πŸ‘Ž


stoner's are cool ass ppl who are very creative and down to earth (obviously)they might blow most of their money buying weed or equipment that goes along with being a stoner but it doesnt really matter to them because they enjoy what they do! smoking pot is very relaxing and fun and i hate it when ppl say ohh you need to smoke pot to have fun well NO that is not always true it just makes things better! but for the ppl that are like Oh i smoke here and there and blah blah blah arnt true stoners b.c they are just all talk and just wanna be "cool" and for the ppl that dont smoke pot and are totally against it and hate ppl that do it i think they should not be oopinionated unless they do it where they have actually been high..(not just once) and to hate someone b/c they smoke pot is wrong to because a lot of ppl smoke and there are some really cool ppl out there that do and those ppl that dont could be missing out,who says just b.c you have friends that smoke and you dont means that you have to do it too... but the point of this is stoners are really cool ppl and i think it should not be illegal cuz its GREAT!!!

its greener on the other side...much greener!!!!!

by trblgvesmeahandx May 6, 2005

269πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž


one who uses (smokes or eats) cannabis recreationally . We tend to be nice people so stop oppressing and scapegoating us for thing like murder, war, and rape for making a PERSONAL LIFE CHOICE to smoke a plant!

the stereotype: long, shaggy hair, crazy facial hair, reeks of ganja, bloodshot eyes, eating copious amounts of junk food, and wearing a 'legalize it' t-shirt. This is what we get labeled as. Ignorance, arrogance, and bad commericials ensue.

stoner: I Made the desicion to take control of my own body by making a life choice to smoke a virtually harmless plant which has been used by mankind for 10,000+ years and never caused a single fatality, and harming no-one.

*is for some reason cut in half by a chainsaw-weilding nazi straight edge teenager and set ablaze by a zombie version of Harry Anslinger*

One of the two: stupid fucking stoners! See what they made me do!!

by asdfsa October 1, 2006

347πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž