when someone is constipated from eating too much of one type of food or not enough fiber to easily pass a bowel
The other day Claire had stubborn butt from eating too much cheese. Yo man your farts smell rank, you must have stubborn butt.
A persistently stubborn person
I always offer the lines to others first, I always will. Maybe it’s my stubbornism
A poo that refuses to pass easily as it contains less than the 75% water needed to successfully move through the bowel.
Urban dictionary thoughts…
“It turned out couldn't poo because it was a stubborn stool that just wasn’t hydrated enough to make its way through the system.”
Self explanitory, being stubborn while still maintaining a rational sense of thought.
"Nicole is always rationally stubborn, thats why shes always right!"
"Nicole pisses me off because shes so stubborn, but i cant get mad at her because shes always so damn rational!"
-Definition: Beyond Stubborn
-A stubborn head of shat.
-So stubborn that it makes you want to bash your head against a brick wall.
-The poop emoji.
-So stubborn that it makes them a shitty shit head.
-Someone that won’t budge on a topic despite knowing they may be wrong.
-Someone that is in the wrong and doesn’t want to own up to that in fear.
-Someone that chooses to be a stubborn shit head cause it’s easier than being wrong.
Wow, he sure is a stubborn shit head!
When you refuse to let people bring down your positivity even when things are an absolute shitshow.
My stubbornivity gets me through the day.