Source Code

Sunset Riders

The best arcade game set in the wild wild west.

o.O <(Let's go play Sunset Riders!)

O.O <(K!!!)

by Cards OWN the Central April 30, 2005

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sunset slurp

A sunset slurp is when two dudes are on an exotic sandy beach when the sun is about to set. When the lower part of the sun hits thr water, one dude puts puts his dick in the other dudes mouth and a blowjob begins while the sun sets. The blowee has to time his load blow to coincide with the moment that the top of the sun goes beneath the horizon and the sun officially sets.

Stephen hurry up the sun's about to go down! Give me an ol' sunset slurp!

by lana_del_oaks November 22, 2014

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Somalian Sunset

When you drink water in a third world country resulting in four to five days of bloody diarrhea. The diarrhea causes rings of purple, pink, and orange colors to appear around you anus resembling that of a sunset.

Jack: I went on a mission trip to Guatemala and got a Somalian Sunset.
Joe: Aw, dude that sucks

by Mel Gibson’s Pubes December 12, 2019

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sunset lesbian

feeling attraction to anybody that ISN'T identifying male, this disregards he/him pronouns, as pronouns do not equal gender, examples of this are: women, NB folk, Genderfluid folk, women who use he/him pronouns, and so on

"Oh, Mary is a sunset lesbian, and she's poly so she's dating Frog, A nonbinary person, And Lucy, A bisexual woman."

by EnviousDesires January 20, 2022

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Reverse Sunset

A sunset, typically over the ocean, when there is a cloud layer above a clear horizon and the sun appears from behind the cloud layer creating a type of sunrise (reverse sunset) before quickly setting again.

I think we are going to see a reverse sunset tonight!

by LagunaJohn January 6, 2011

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Jamaican Sunset

When you're tied to a bed and your face is used as a parking spot

Person A: "She hogtied me to the bed and gave me a Jamaican Sunset"

Person B: "I don't know how you could let her use your face as a toilet seat"

by Tony Negroni October 19, 2019

cactus sunset

Going down on a man after he has recently trimmed his pubic hair.

My man trimmed his bush last night so i treated him to a cactus sunset.

by Dishy lab November 16, 2016