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Tesco Turn-ups

A good solid trouser turn up, made famous by the school trousers your mum would buy from Tesco, and apply her own form of tailoring.

Whoa, what’s with the Tesco turn-ups, didn’t they have any in your size?

by Seano Says March 16, 2022

beat behind tescos

the action of having intercourse with a Peng individual behind the supermarket chain 'tescos'

Ayy wagwan piffting wanna go beat behind Tescos

by CrustyCheeseToastie March 14, 2017

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

two men with one tesco credit card

gay porn.

man i wish that those two men with one tesco credit card was up my japside too....

by gayiwishiwas March 12, 2011

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

ayo wagwan piffting dunkno holla u get me wanna beat behind tesco?

yo wassup pretty girl tryna bang behind tesco?

ayo wagwan piffting dunkno holla u get me wanna beat behind tesco? πŸ˜©πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ†

by cee css June 15, 2017

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

a tesco bag

a great ol tesco bag that is brilliant for using but not to be thrown away

i love a tesco bag

by l0vinq September 19, 2021

dreadfull tesco

A horrifying and twisted tesco

Old lady: im never coming back to dreadfull tesco!!!

by Lyonmeilleurevilledumonde August 12, 2020

Benders at Tescos

They are an upcoming group of batty men who love to bend down outside of tescos. Tescos is a cool place in england where all the bri'ish people buy their bo'lls of wa'er and their bu'er you get me famalam

"Hey! Have you seen the Benders at Tescos?! They are so batty!"
"oh, i thought it was Giant Freeze "

by December 30, 2021