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nasty delicious

Adj. A quality describing foods that are appetizing and tasty, but also somewhat disgusting. The repulsive aspects of such foods are particularly apparent after they have been consumed and the diner feels slightly ill.

Those extreme nachos were nasty delicious!

by Claire May January 8, 2008

delicious pancakes

When you jack-off and jizz all over your partner's ass and back, then flip them over. It's very messy and sticky just like pancakes with syrup.


"Chris made me delicious pancakes last night."

"I flipped delicious pancakes with Ann."

"I know a place where we can get delicious pancakes."

by Cacos_Are_Tacky May 31, 2017

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Delicious circle

A specific kind of vicious circle, when one attempts to eat their own body weight in something. But then the more one eats, the more the body weighs, so the more they have to eat...

I just came back from Greece, but got stuck in a delicious circle of souvas.

by ThePonderer August 27, 2013

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delicious sandwich

1. a combination of meats, cheeses, and vegetables between two pieces of bread

2. a yummy euphemism for 69ing

"Hey you wanna make a delicious sandwich?"


"You hungry?"
"For a delicious sandwich."


"Do you want to go to Subway for a delicious sandwich."

by mmm, meaty April 20, 2009

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delicious time

having a good time

A) Man 1: Dude, you going to that banging house partay tonight!?
Man 2: Yarr freshman, it's gonna be a delicious time!
Man 1: Delicious as a fresh, ripe peach!

B) Jack: what are you two doing tonight?
Sam and Ny: Oh, we don't know yet..
Jack: Oh, well have a delicious time anyway!
Sam: Sure will freshman!

by SAYAIRE August 21, 2009

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bowl of delicious

someone is looking real good looking and fine that you want to chef kiss and fantasize about day and night that you can't imagine not being with the person

person 2: I got just a new outfit that i really like
person 1: Show me
person 1: unzip your button of your shirt
person 2: i don't want the people going crazy to look at this bowl of deliciousness!

by bingabonga February 15, 2023

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Whisper Delicious

When something is so delicious you can only whisper about it.

The French shroud the head of the Ortolan to hide the shame from God as they eat because it is whisper delicious.

by The Ceiling2 September 25, 2011

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