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A term used to say that something is epically failtastic.

Girl 1: Oh, my god, I failed that test we took last week. How did you do?
Girl 2: I didn't know any of the answers; it was like an abortion.

by Emo Panda-kun June 26, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you look up the word abortion, it's original meaning is actually "an abomination."

And that usually reflects on the new, modern definition of abortion, which is to terminate a pregnancy because it is unwanted or inconvenient for the parents.

I think abortion should only be used when the life of the mother is at risk if the baby is born. Otherwise, abortion is clearly murder.

Listen up, people. This is an old lesson told many times before - the safest way to avoid getting pregnant is to avoid having sex. The second safest way is to use the rhythm method plus a condom just-in-case. The third safest way is to avoid unprotected sex, and to use a rubber or a diaphragm or some spermicide or some kind of pill.

But if you become pregnant, it is definitely morally wrong to proceed with an abortion if the reason is simply because it's an "unwanted pregnancy" or because "you can't afford it."

There are other options, such as adoption, that can be used. Also, I believe that in the long run, the parents will both be more satisfied and feel better if they avoid the abortion route.

The number of abortions carried out since Roe V. Wade was passed is estimated around 40 million. The actual numbers could very well be higher as people don't usually divulge this information. Imagine how many of those murdered unborn children could have grown up to become excellent leaders, scientists, doctors, and helpers for society.

by Adel7 August 31, 2007

66๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


Diarrhea as a result of food baby. "The runs". Usually the result of greasy fast-food.

"I need to get to a delivery room before i abort this food fetus all over the lobby."

"I've been having abortions for weeks. Must be food baby poisoning."

by chandizl January 8, 2009

71๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


1: The act of terminating an action or process.

2: The act of killing an unborn baby. Those who oppose abortion call themselves pro-life, those who support it call themselves pro-choice. Pro-choicrs seem to think that abortion is a perfectly acceptable and indeed preferable substitute for adoption or contraception.

Contrary to pro-choice beliefs, a baby in a womb is NOT an extension of the mother's body. As soon as the nuclie of the ovum and sperm fuse, they create a new diploid nucleus within a discrete cell which happens to live of the mother's body. Logically and scientifically, life begins at conception.

One of the most frequent claims by pro-choicers is that, by pro-life logic, masturbation is genocide because it kills thousands of sperm, and they are human cells. This is true, but they are haploid and have the same genome as the father, therefore they are cells of HIM, not HIM+HER=NEW. Therefore, masturbation which kills sperm is not genocide, but self-harm; no different to cutting oneself, except that it feels good.

Unfortunately, a number of born-agains and Bush supporters have given the great numbers of rational pro-lifers a bad name.

I'm pregnant, yay! Oh wait, I suddenly don't want this baby! I know! I'll have an abortion.

by Darth Ridley May 12, 2005

66๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


A premature expulsion of a foetus.

Writing that abortion is wrong or right or that you only have it when you're a whore is not a definition. Its opinion, the defintion I've posted the philosophical term for it.

by ilikecupcakesandteafortea January 18, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


Murder of innocent babies

I want an abortion to murder a baby

by Nekozerotwo January 10, 2021

72๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž


Simply put, the act of murdering a helpless little baby. Pro-choice activists feel that whether or not a woman should carry a child to full term should be her choice, but what they seem to forget is that the woman made her choice. She chose to have sex. Every person knows the risk you take when you have sex. Even a young child can understand that. That risk especially increases when you have sex without protection. So tell me, where exactly is it that a woman isn't getting her right to choose? If she isn't ready to deal with the consequences, then she isn't ready for sex. It is not fair for the child to be punished because the mother screwed up.
Now people are going to argue with me, "but what about in the cases of rape and incest?" Let's look at that, shall we? Honestly, how many of the abortions carried out are actually for that reason? Probably less than 1%. Women use it as their form of birth control. Often times, they have more than one. I honestly don't see how anyone can live with themselves after murdering a baby. If you don't want the child, there are plenty of loving and responsible people that do. Have the baby and give it up for adoption. There is no shame in better a couple's life, as well as a baby.

I was irresponsible when I had sex and got pregnant. I don't want it so I will end its life by having an abortion.

by simpleme May 31, 2005

87๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž