on December 21th, you can bypass Anti-Fur-Day and still make the person parcitipate in Fur-Day, but a day later.
"hey dude, today is Counter Anti-Fur-Day, you won't be able to bypass 20th december, because 21th december is waiting.
On December 18th, if you so much as exist, full immunity to Fur-Day Immunity Day is forced onto you. Therefore, you must participate in Fur-Day if you have a furry friend.
Shawn: Oh no, Fur-Day is in 2 days.
Dean: Don't worry man! Tomorrow is Fur-Day Immunity Day! We'll be fine.
Shawn: You may be right, but today is Fur-Day Immunity Immunity Day...
Dean: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Propaganda made by furries to notmalize fricking animals.
Furry:"Hey have you heard of The Fur Day? You have to do something I tell you!"
John: *Loads shotgun with religious intent*