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Neopolitan ice cream

Ice cream with three strips of flavor. One strip is chocolate, another vanilla, and the third is Strawberry.

Hey Jimmy, put that Neopolitan ice cream in my mouth.

by The Jason Himself October 21, 2008

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The Neopolitan Ice Cream

When a person makes love to theres partners anus and orgasms then proceeds to have there partner deficate on there tongue make a formation similar to Neopolitan ice cream

I can't eat ice cream ever again after i gave that bitch the neopolitan ice cream

by nbctk June 23, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neopolitan Swirl

When you finger a girl while shes on her period (and has a tampon inserted)until she cums and then punch her as hard as you can in the vagina so the tampon comes out of their ass covered in blood, cum, and shit making a Neopolitan Swirl...

I was chilln wit da homegirl and outta nowhere that freaky hoe told me to give her a Neopolitan Swirl...

One day me and my friend (CAR)were bored and I said shut up or i'll give you a Neopolitan Swirl and she was like whats that and than I told her what it was and she laughed

by ...Mikey... March 3, 2009

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Neopolitan Ice Cream

Word for making a black girl jizz and admiring your work; illustrated by the dark skin (chocolate), the pink vagina (strawberry), and cum (vanilla)... Also could be used for Dominicans, Cubans, some Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. and all Haitians and African chicks....

I went down on Lakeicha until she came and had to look back and stare at all of that neopolitan ice cream....

by MOESSSESS July 30, 2010

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neopolitan cappuccino more cappu than ccino and make sure theres no more than 4 ounces of milk, the beans wont have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name right on the cup.

Moxxie's first coffee order from Helluva Boss episode 6, "Truth seekers"

"what do you want mox?", " I'll have a neopolitan cappuccino more cappu than ccino and make sure theres no more than 4 ounces of milk, the beans wont have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name right on the cup. they always spell it foxy or Roxy, i hate that. If you cant handle that i'll have a Ventee traditional misto please use soy milk with two blond shots, Affagato and ristretto. I'd also love 3 vanilla pumps at the bottom, then add the coffee."

by VoidPineapple August 23, 2021

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Neopolitan donut

A term used to describe the appearance of the rectum after a night of aggressive anal penetration. When feces, cum, and blood mix together it gives the appearance of melted neopolitan icecream.

Oakley "I really wore his ass out last night."
Silas "Gave him the old neopolitan donut didn't you?"

by Ra2000bc June 2, 2017

Neopolitan Pussy

Black Pussy; you know it looks like Neapolitan ice cream

Latanya: Ew, you like Neapolitan pussy.

DJ Quick: I love Neopolitan pussy !
Lashawn: excuse me

Ruben Studdard: Iโ€™m sorry

by Botรฉ June 14, 2019