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one up-one down

a new word for so-so

when you want to be cool and are asked the question of how you are doing, you can answer one up-one down, instead of the ubiquitous so-so

by Sexydimma March 19, 2015

one up-one down

A new coolidiculous term for so-so

If you want to sound you can answer one up-one down instead of the ubiquitous so-so

by Sexydimma May 17, 2016

one dalla one dalla

When you walk into a chinese store and you buy $1 worth of items, the klerk will say "one dalla one dalla" which means one dollar.

Chinese clerk: Hello, this is panda express, can I help you?

Customer: I would like a box of noddles. How much does that cost?

Chinese clerk: Oh, one dalla one dalla!
Customer: *lol* two dalla two dalla.
Chinese clerk: Get outta my store!

by TaylorHasRocks February 14, 2015

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

One Touch One Bounce

One Touch One Bounce abrv.( One T One B) is a playground football game where you have a group of people 2 or more in a circle formation. The aim of the game is to keep playing while trying to get people out. You are only allowed one touch to get someone out or play until someone messes up a kick as well as one bounce although having no bounces are allowed.

You can kick the ball in anyway possible but the other players must be able to reach the ball or else they will be out.

The game can be fast paced and you can do volleys or play it to see how many touches everyone in total gets.

The first person out starts the final by throwing the ball in the middle in the air(between two people) . If the ball bounces between two people and hard to tell who was closer it is 50/50 and no one is out.

Head skank are allowed (headering the ball to someone can be done quickly and takes skill to master}

foot skank are not (kicking the ball purposely at someones feet at high speed and they cannot react quick enough

If the ball hits the kerb and fence and bounces back then play on or if other players could have reached it then you are still in.

Written by some guy who adapted the first version when introduced in our school.

Lets go to the playground and play One Touch One Bounce

by Jon defines March 10, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

One shot, one kill

Overwatch's Widowmaker's lie about just needing one bullet to kill an enemy in the opposing team.

Widowmaker voiceline: "One shot, one kill"

by NoxiNoxus August 10, 2017

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

one dolla! one dolla!

when chinese guys are selling you stuff you don't want they always go: one dolla! getchar socks on'y one dolla!

Chinese guy: one dolla! one dolla!
Racist: (takes a gun and shoots the chinese guy) get of my fucking country, you bastard!

by All My Gods Have Failed Me... March 15, 2008

15πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

One of them Ones

A person, male or female that was born with a superior complex apart from others. Not a corny or lame person. One who stands out amongst others. The 1% of the 1% of human beings on planet Earth. NOT A LAME.

β€œThat boy John really One of them Ones fr.”
β€œMcDowell been One of them Ones since birth.”
β€œOn a scale from 1-10, I am a 1 cause I’m One of them Ones.”

by Mr. Get in Dea April 2, 2023

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž