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Transandrophobia truther.

A transandrophobia truther is someone who believes that the 9/11 hijackers were trans men.

Person one: Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were both trans men. They were both on testosterone and received phalloplasty in saudi arabia because it's more socially acceptable to transition than to live as gay women. That's why they attacked the twin towers.
Person two: (Holy shit not another transandrophobia truther.)

by we_dont_exist November 19, 2023


only tells the mothafuckin facts

yo alexis is a trutherer. she only spit fax.

by acock November 20, 2018

virus trutherism

A medical conspiracy theory that Covid-19 pandemic deaths are greatly exaggerated and may not be reported accurately. Some may minimize the loss of life of the old and sick who had little life left to live . The same people may also note that it only a few percent are vulnerable and that it disproportionately impacts minorities.

While the concept of virus trutherism is held together by a minimal amount of evidence, the idea is held by a vocal group with a high amount of fire power.

by mlhiss May 15, 2020

Egg Truther

People who don't believe in sucking eggs. They usually hang around the people who say that eggs are good only sometimes.

Them: Hey, did you hear that Jim came out as an egg truther?

Me: Aw, dammit! He had to be lying when he said he sucked eggs then.

by spinvius February 23, 2018

My Truther

Someone that says ‘my truth’ a lot and doesn’t live in an objective reality. They often excuse lies and live in lala land.

My girlfriend read a psych book now she’s a my truther cause she said: I’m going to put the past (shitty thing I did) behind me and live my truth (whatever that means weirdo).

by deanmontrose November 16, 2021


One who speaks the truth

Nah man, I'm just a truther

by Ericisascrub May 1, 2015


A truther is a person who tells the truth, also known as the opposite of a lair.

I’m not a liar, I’m a truther.

by Theworddiffener June 24, 2018