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Clinton Turbulence

Aviation Term: A type of turbulence that does not stress the airframe of an aircraft in any way (like severe turbulence), but could occur to anyone on the Clinton's hitlist flying in an aircraft that knows a little too much..

Pilot 1: "Oh did you hear about Clintons ex lawyer Dana Hyde died from turbulence"

Pilot 2: "Yeah, it wasn't severe turbulence, she died from a Clinton Turbulence ".

by Captain Nadia Marcinko March 10, 2023


Fullstendig forvirret; mangelorden; motsatt av smooth

Det her var turbulent ass!

by emsen February 7, 2023


An observation that is simultaneously both turbulent and fabulous

The inky darkness cannot hide the turbulous waves as they crash against the shore.

by Xeonsphere April 12, 2022

non-turbulent diffusion

Diffusion that does not diffuse

That bass trap looks a lot like a non-turbulent diffusion panel

by mayerforpresident January 7, 2023


when someone is being or doing something cool

Mrs. Smith's turbulence was out of this world this week! she even let us watch a movie.

by alasouai9sh9e May 4, 2023


when a man swinging is thing around making it slap is legs and other parts of the body, causing a clapping sound.

- clap clap clap clap - a whole bunch of turbulence! a whole bunch of turbulence!

by 089789678 February 15, 2024


Primarily, an airplane experiencing wind disturbance whilst in flight.

The plane went through a bit of turbulence.

by Kashi hishitori July 17, 2023