"Ur brother a mother" is a step up from ur dad lesbian. Every time these magic words are said, we as a species traverse deeper into the he'll hole known as extinction.
Assmeister43 : ur mom gey
Kermit_1h3_D: ur dad lesbian
Assmeister43: no u, ur brother a mother
*kermit's house would explode, killing him, and any family inside*
We have had ur mum gay, ur Dad lesbian, ur granny tranny and ur sister mister, ‘ur brother a mother’ is the insult to end it all.
Bob: ur Mum gay
Fred:ur Dad lesbian
Bob:ur granny tranny
Fred:you asked for this
Bob:no please I’m sorr-
Fred: ur brother a mother
*the world travels back 400,000,000,000,000,000 years and the first ever speck of this world cries
The most insulting shit you could say to someone as soon as you call someone this insult they will instantly die and you will claim there soul
Peice of shit: ur mum gay
Peice of shit 2: ur brother mother
The most dangerous of all phrases. A simple derivative of "ur mum gay" and "ur daddy lesbian."
Faggimus: Ur granny tranny!
Clitorimus: Ur sister mister!!
God: Ur Brother Mother.
*The Universe itself expands at a rapid rate and proceeds to become one black hole
The most powerful response to anything and should never be used. If used the sun will engulf the solar system and destroy god himself
Billy: you know what ur granny tranny
John: don't do this Billy
Billy: ur sister mister too
John: well ur brother mother
*Billy's head pops and the sun bursts destroying the solar system and causes the whole galaxy to collapse*