Source Code

audio visual

A term for high school students in the 60's that were nerds/geeks. True audio visuals spent their time playing ping-pong on the computer and were usually members of the chess, math, and science clubs. AV's got their name because of their extensive knowledge in electronics (audio visual) which was uncommon in the 60's. These pioneers grew up to become the leaders in today's computer/science industry.

"let's go beat up the AV kid"
"that audio visual spends most of his time taking apart game systems and putting them back together"

AV kid 1: let's go play some chess after i finish my homework
AV kid 2: (snort laugh) ...tubular

by alanalauren November 15, 2006

10👍 3👎

Visual Kei

Visual Kei is a sub-genre of Japanese Music that focuses on self-expression, most Visual Kei, bands do not sound the same, as that statement could be used for Rap as well, but Rap fan will argue that it takes an ear, same applies to Visual Kei. The Key of Visual Kei is too express a message and bring a twist on it. Not all of VK fans are female and only care about looks. The GazettE, one particular VK band has amazingly metaphorical lyrics (if translated). But like all band VK bands talk about a multitude of different themes and should not be dissed as such. Also the 'cross-dressing' comes from their culture which performed (and still does) Kabuki, a form of theatre where all actors are male, and so if the bands theme requires females, cross-dressing occurs. An example of this is Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- whose theme revolves around two waring noble clan set in pre-revolutionary France, with a style similar to speed-metal.

Visual Kei is just another form of music which doesn't want to conform to popular music, like metal

by The GazettE Analyst March 19, 2011

22👍 10👎

Visual Basic

A programming language for morons, and people that are too stupid to learn real programming languages.

It is commonly taught in schools and colleges, so retards can understand it and become "leet".

Him: Man, i'm cool because I know Visual Basic.
Me: No, you're not.

by I need no introduction. October 3, 2005

198👍 137👎

Visual Basic

A powerful RAD (rapid application development) progamming language that allows for easy creation of windows programs. Its main flaw is the fact that micro$hit made it, and therefore under their monopoly, it only runs on windows. Another complaint is about the way many new users use the language. They just paste a couple of objects on a form, user a few undeclared variables (variants, which are slow), and run the program. A real program creates objects at runtime and user delared variables at all times (forced by Option Explicit.) Other than that, it is a good language. It is easy enough to learn for beginners (unlike other languages such as java/C++) and powerful enough to perform complicated calculations and make windows-based programs and games with readable code.

'This is a sample VB program
'It finds the prime factors of any number the user specifies
'Declare Objects
Dim WithEvents txtNumber As TextBox
Dim WithEvents lblPrime As Label
Dim WithEvents cmdFactor As CommandButton

Private Sub cmdFactor_Click()
Dim counter&, answer$, number&
'Check to make sure user entered a valid number
If Not IsNumeric(txtNumber) Then Exit Sub
If Len(txtNumber) = 0 Or txtNumber > 2000000000 Or Sgn(txtNumber) = -1 Then Exit Sub
'Create variable = to what user entered.
number = txtNumber
'factor out 2's
Do While number Mod 2 = 0
number = number / 2
answer = answer & " * 2"
'factor out other numbers
For counter = 3 To number Step 2
Do While number Mod counter = 0
'exit when primes are exhausted
If number = 1 Then Exit Do
number = number / counter
answer = answer & " * " & counter
Next counter
MsgBox Right$(answer, Len(answer) - 3), 15, "The Prime Factors of " & txtNumber & " are..."
'gives the textbox focus
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode%, Shift%)
'pressing escape exits the program
If KeyCode = 27 Then Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'set up form
With Me
.KeyPreview = True
.Move (Screen.Width - .Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - .Width) \ 2
End With
Set txtNumber = Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "txtNumber")
With txtNumber
.Move (Me.Width - .Width) \ 2, (Me.Height - .Width) \ 2
.Visible = True
End With
Set lblPrime = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblPrime")
With lblPrime
.Caption = "Find Prime Factors Of What Number?"
.Move txtNumber.Left, txtNumber.Top - 800, .Width, .Height + 400
.Visible = True
End With
Set cmdFactor = Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "cmdFactor")
With cmdFactor
.Caption = "Factor"
.Default = True
.Move txtNumber.Left, txtNumber.Top + 800
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
'clean up
Dim clrObject As Object
For Each clrObject In Me
clrObject = ""
Next clrObject
End Sub

by too good for a name December 6, 2004

171👍 118👎

Visual Targeting

VisualTargeting® is the business, art and science of adjusting visual images, designs, advertisements, products, gifts, presentations, etc. to accurately fulfill the desires of their intended audiences. This is usually done for the purpose of increasing in the audience's mind, positive emotions, favorable opinions, and the feeling of desire in relationship to what they are presented with. VisualTargeting® is used by every person and every business knowingly or not.

The art of VisualTargeting® is concerned with individual people's (and market's) current visual tastes, and appealing to them in the most pleasing manner. On the other end of the spectrum, VisualTargeting® can accurately predict which markets and types of people around the world, would respond to specific pieces of art, product designs, logos, or advertisements most positively, and thus, would purchase them most readily.

The science of VisualTargeting® measures the success of any design effort, fundamentally, by the practical results it brings forth: Whether it be an increase in advertising effectiveness, design concepts being chosen by the clients that are intended to like them, audiences responding to movie character roles the way the movie producers, writers and directors hoped they would, or a nation choosing the political candidate that can most effectively communicate irresistable value to voters.

Visual Targeting Is The New Industry Standard In Design, Trusted By Fortune 500s, Businesses, Bestsellers, Celebrities in 182 countries. According to Forbes Magazine VisualTargeting® is "The most powerful advancement in the design, marketing, and advertising industries that this century will see."

by United States Definitions January 8, 2019

5👍 1👎

Visual Handshake

The first impression when you meet someone new - what you are wearing, your expression, your demeanor.

He is a really nice guy, but his Visual Handshake was awful. Bad clothes, bad hair, bad attitude.

by Mamahipster November 3, 2011

5👍 1👎

Visual Learner

Another way to see your private parts but in a smooth way.

Guy: Hey, what’d you show me last night? I’m a visual learner by the way
Girl: *proceeds to show*
Guy: Damnnn😋


Girl: I got some big titties
Guy: Proof? I’m a visual learner btw

by locolunaloco January 17, 2023

5👍 1👎