When someone changes their mind and buys a Dodge Dakota Club Cab while they were Van shopping.
Day 1
Person 1: We went Van shopping today, finally found what we were looking for!
Person 2: so what kind of Van did you buy?
Person 1: Dodge Dakota Club Cab!
Person 2: 🤯 what the? My brain hurts!
Day 2
Person 1: We’re moving!
Person 2: Ok where?
Person 1: Anywhere but here! It sucks here!
Day 3
Person 2: Did you decide where you are moving?
Person 1: What? Weez not moving anywhere!
Person 2: Dude dat be wishy washy 🤔
When a possible deal is about to take place and the other person flakes out consistently.
I do not do deals with him because of his WISHY WASHY type of deals which seem SQUIRLY.
confused or undecided on what to do
tyasia loved kenyon,later that day she said she didn't want him. She is so WISHY WASHY