Steve: Hey, Why is your loot better than mine when I play 8 hours a day, and you play only an hour a week?
Bob: Because World of Warcraft rewards everyone!
30๐ 13๐
A computer game whose participants apparently don't know how to correctly make words plural.
Hint for WoW players: it doesn't involve an apostrophe.
<WoW Player> In WoW you can be Orc's, Troll's, Undead's, and the Tauren's. The Alliance will get the Human's, Gnome's, Dwarve's, and the Night Elve's.
<Non-WoW Player> holy FUCK learn some English you dumbass
3448๐ 2398๐
Despite common belief, quite a fun little game.
While, sometimes, World of Warcraft - or WoW as it is abbreviated - can get tedious, there's always something to do in other parts of the vast world Azeroth, where the Warcraft storyline was set (except for part of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, which was set in an alien dimension known as Draenor from which the Orcs originated. Incidentally, Draenor is going to be released in WoW with the upcoming expansion - the Burning Crusade).
Whether it's questing, grinding (exterminating enemies on a large scale for experience), or brushing up your trade skills - mining, blacksmithing, leatherworking and engineering to name but a few - WoW always has something to do.
And failing that, WoW (at least on my server) is full of friendly, helpful players who love conversation - you see, the chat is one of the major aspects of WoW. With chat channels (general, trade, local defense, looking for group), private messaging (or /whispering), group chat, guild chat, and a multitude of others, WoW is a game as much based on communication as on skill.
WoW is split into two factions - the Alliance and the Horde, which are then made up of four races each. Quite simply, the Alliance can choose to be Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves and Gnomes, and the Horde may pick Orcs, Trolls, Tauren or the undead Forsaken. All of the races have elaborate back-stories, particularly the reason why no Gnomes featured back in Warcraft III. Along with nine classes, each with their own advantages, and millions of appearance combinations, WoW is certainly a many-faceted game.
And, since it is merely a matter of opinion anyway, I'm going to go on and say: I like WoW. WoW doesn't suck.
Terry hit level 56 on World of Warcraft with his Gnome Warlock yesterday.
Jack got an epic mount for his Human Paladin last week.
I have a level 28 Gnome Mage on Nordrassil, called Khemri. /whisper me!
329๐ 215๐
A secondary life for those whos lives suck to much. Players are usually at the sad, rock bottom of the social scale
World of Warcraft is used by many as an alternative to having friends, a job, a car, a girlfriend, or just a life in general.
10๐ 3๐
A MMORPG action-oriented, strategy-based, game in which hundreds of thousands of people gather in server-like communities and help each other do their biddings. This game is divided into serveral categories in which players have the oppertunity to choose from one of two confederations; Alliance, and Horde. They then will be divided into eight races; the Horde will get the Orc's, Troll's, Undead's, and the Tauren's. The Alliance will get the Human's, Gnome's, Dwarve's, and the Night Elve's. The races also come equipped with their own racialized mount, such as a horse for the Humans, as well as special bonus attributes. Those races will then be divided into 9 classes, each race will get 4-6 classes (pending on the race); Mage, Druid, Warrior, Priest, Paladin, Shaman, Rougue, Warlock, and Hunter. From that you will be able to choose two primary professions such as; mining/blacksmith, along with as many secondary professions you desire, such as a fisherman. You will then have a choice to customize your character from gender, model details, and name. From then on, you will get to choose which type of skills you will use to help aid your quest, as well as what weapons/armors you will gather.
World of Warcraft is an immense 3D world in which over 250 000 people come and let Blizzard drain their money with their pay-as-you-go internet billing fee, saying hey look at me, I'M MAKING YOU ALL PAY!!! MUH HU HAHAHA!!!!
1911๐ 1370๐
(WoW)A severe disease...symptoms include; irritability, lack of sleep, separation from others, weight loss/gain, and carpotunnel. If you may have world of warcraft... seek help immediatly.
Oh no...he got world of warcraft..."I wonder how long he has to live"
180๐ 114๐
(n.) World of Warcraft (also known as WoW)
A Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG)(MuhMORPuhGah).
It was created by Blizzard Entertainment. In this game you play as a fictional character in an online fantasy universe where players compete to do quests and hang out with other players.
WoW players often stick together and speak a strange language that can only be understood by other WoW players.
The game derives its fun from the fact that it is a somewhat psycological game where the players set goals and compete against one another trying to be better than everyone else to get a sense of accomplishment.
It is not truely fun though it only gives the illusion of fun, kindof like drugs. WoW should be avoided at all costs. It is an addiction that is hard to break.
Seriously stay away from this game. Signs of the WoW infection:
1)Your soul was consumed by a demon from hell.
2)People do not understand you when you talk.
3)You have no personal hygiene
4)You have no friends/relationships outside of the internet
5)You have a dysfunctional family life all of a sudden
6)You're physically weaker and have no stamina.
7)You lose a set amount of money monthly
If you have these symptoms than you have probably wasted a good part of your life pretending to be someone else on an online game also known as WoW. Also you are totally FUCKED!
WoW Player: I am going to play World of Warcraft.
Uninfected: OMG! No! Don't play that you'll have your soul sucked out and you will be nothing, but an empty shell of a human with no emotions.
WoW Player: Thanks, you saved several wasted years of my life thanks!
49๐ 27๐