Source Code


"NOT Santa"

"I am not Xanga Clause, I am Mr. J. (JOSEPH) Bloggs"

by paul barrett November 28, 2003

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There are lots of asians who speak in xanga-ese, using works like jux and mai. There are lots of Christians who use words like Reliant K. Even if you are scared of these people, Xanga is way more fun than Friendster.

I'm stalking this hot Hawaian lesbian on xanga!!!

by Smoose March 25, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


an online web journal where people post to talk to themselves or to show others their problems. usually includes "i'm bored" or "i finally updated" in most entries. if people don't post a picture of themselves on their xanga, it tells you that they're either really ugly or they're ashamed of how they look.

heY GuYz chEk ouT MaH XanGA!

by kevin February 8, 2004

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something very gay for tree huggers

Im gay...I like xanga....DOnt kill animals

by Tyler March 7, 2005

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xanga whore

Someone who spends hours everyday looking at xanga entries or blogs.

"stop writing in your xanga journal all day you xanga whore!"

by nauyknt August 12, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

xanga fraud

a xanga fraud is a person who writes for the sole purpose of eliciting comments from the xanga community, without thought to the consequences or impact it may have upon certain parties.

You xanga fraud, you only write about sex and post elict pictures for eprops, you whore!

by xanga_stalker March 7, 2005

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Xanga Queen

(Noun)A lady or a woman who uses Xanga.

Damn! A Xanga Queen is next to me.

by Jeremy Mac October 1, 2007

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