Abbrevation for either:
-Your Grammar sucks! An internet show hosted by Jack Douglass known on YouTube for "JacksFilms"
-You got surved, this sentence is usually said after getting burned, metaphorically speaking.
Oh look! Jack just uploaded YGS on time.
just kidding, he never does that, you know Jack.
An abbreviation for "you guys"
Person 1: "ygs r fckin weird ass btches.."
Person 2: "Your typing is weird ash, bookie😭"
An abbreviation for "You Guys"
Person A: "ygs r fckin weird ass snitches"
Person B: "Your typing is fuckin' weird🤣"
The university exam in Turkey. It's first step to the university.
How was your YGS?
YG New Girl Group with Singapore members and Korean members.
YG New Girl Group with Singapore members and Korean members.